Syyskuun ARJ-Cup 30.09.2023
* Kilpailupaikka Ljóma (LJMA6940) / vastuuhenkilö Mari H (VRL-05704)
* Tulokset arvotaan lyhyellä arvonnalla arvontakoneella
* Kisat ovat ARJ:n alaiset
* Jokaiseen luokkaan otetaan rajattomasti osallistujia
* Yksi henkilö saa tuoda max. kymmenen (10) hevosta/luokka
* Yksi hevonen saa osallistua yhteensä kolmeen luokkaan, joka luokkaan yhden kerran ja vain yhteen saddleseat-/ajoryhmään
* 4-käyntinen islanninhevonen ei voi osallistua 5-käyntisten luokkiin ja toisinpäin
* Hevosen rotu löytyy Askellajiratsastusjaoksen rotulistalta (pl. luokat 31-33)
* Ratsastajalta tulee löytyä VRL-tunnus ja hevoselta VH-numero
* Kilpailijan ei tarvitse kuulua mihinkään seuraan, mutta seuraan kuuluminen on suositeltavaa
* VIP 29.09.2023
* Sähköpostiin
* Otsikoksi: ARJ-Cup syyskuu
* Muoto:
Luokka nro [rivinvaihto]
Ratsastaja (VRL-00000) - Hevonen VH00-000-0000
* Jos osallistut samalla kokoonpanolla useampaan luokkaan, laita luokka kohtaan kaikki kyseiset luokat. Esim:
Luokka nro 1,2 ja 3 [rivinvaihto]
Esimerkki Elli (VRL-00000) - Putte
Esimerkki Elli (VRL-00000) - Polle
Askellajiluokat: 1. Töltti T.1 (4-käynt isl) 2. 4-käynti V.1 (4-käynt isl) 3. Kouluratsastus FS1 (4-käynt isl) 4. 5-käynti F.1 (5-käynt isl) 5. Passikoe PP.1 (5-käynt isl) 6. Speedpassi P.2 (5-käynt isl) 7. Slow Gait (sdb & nsh) 8. Rack (sdb & nsh) 9. 5-käynti (sdb & nsh) 10. Nelitahtikäynti (twh) 11. Juoksukäynti (twh) 12. Keinutuolilaukka (twh) 13. 3-käynti (muut rodut kuin yo.) 14. 4-käynti (muut rodut kuin yo.) 15. 5-käynti (muut rodut kuin yo.) |
Saddleseat-luokat: 16. Classic Pleasure (ryhmä 2) 17. Classic Pleasure Driving (ryhmä 2) 18. Classic Country Combination (ryhmä 2) 19. Country Pleasure (ryhmä 2) 20. Country Pleasure Driving (ryhmä 2) 21. Country Combination (ryhmä 2) 22. English Pleasure (ryhmä 2) 23. English Pleasure Driving (ryhmä 2) 24. Informal Combination (ryhmä 2) 25. Show Pleasure (ryhmä 2) 26. Show Pleasure Driving (ryhmä 2) 27. Informal Show Combination (ryhmä 2) 28. Park (ryhmä 2) 29. Park Harness (ryhmä 2) 30. Formal Combination (ryhmä 2) |
Ajoluokat: 31. Pleasure Driving (avoinna kaikille) 32. Pleasure Driving (avoinna kaikille) 33. Pleasure Driving (avoinna kaikille) 34. Fine Harness (ryhmä 3) 35. Fine Harness (ryhmä 3) 36. Fine Harness (ryhmä 3) 37. Roadster (ryhmä 3) 38. Roadster (ryhmä 3) 39. Roadster (ryhmä 3) |
1. Töltti T.1 (4-käynt isl) 1. Hanna Kaskiahde (VRL-10337) - Skúli VH23-030-0178 2. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Blængur frá Trottúr VH22-030-0137 3. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Þekkur frá Syndur VH22-030-0116 4. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Freyja frá Ljóma VH22-030-0070 5. Dee (VRL-13383) - Tímafálki frá Myskedal VH23-030-0084 6. Anki Frykberg (VRL-14901) - Kafka VH20-030-0094 7. Elina Heikkilä (VRL-10337) - Kjalla frá Sundvik VH23-030-0197 8. Freya Olsen Dal (VRL-14901) - Litla-Jörp frá Minnibakki VH23-030-0166 9. Dee (VRL-13383) - Hnúfa frá Myrksvík VH23-030-0079 10. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Drella frá Kleppur VH22-030-0151 11. Dee (VRL-13383) - Netla fra Löfgård VH23-030-0065 12. Anki Frykberg (VRL-14901) - Ára från Törnsta VH22-030-0132 13. Anki Frykberg (VRL-14901) - Rökkvi fra Krakö VH22-030-0014 14. Anki Frykberg (VRL-14901) - Prettur frá Winmour VH22-030-0004 15. Dee (VRL-13383) - Margrímur frá Villieldur VH23-030-0045 16. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Nykur frá Kalskag VH23-030-0174 17. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Dyngja frá Kalskag VH20-030-0014 18. Auri Väänänen (VRL-14901) - Helkyr fra Krakö VH22-030-0015 19. Anki Frykberg (VRL-14901) - Perla frá Laufskáfallstöðum VH22-030-0013 20. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Sinna frá Ljóma VH22-030-0061 21. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Bletta frá Ljóma VH23-030-0076 22. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Myrkva frá Ljóma VH22-030-0067 23. aksu (VRL-00164) - Ímir frá Hugar VH21-030-0136 24. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Ávangur frá Ljóma VH23-030-0074 25. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Bjalla frá Syndur VH21-030-0131 26. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Allvar frá Sjökull VH22-030-0001 2. 4-käynti V.1 (4-käynt isl) 1. aksu (VRL-00164) - Ímir frá Hugar VH21-030-0136 2. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Bletta frá Ljóma VH23-030-0076 3. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Freyja frá Ljóma VH22-030-0070 4. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Myrkva frá Ljóma VH22-030-0067 5. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Allvar frá Sjökull VH22-030-0001 6. Auri Väänänen (VRL-14901) - Helkyr fra Krakö VH22-030-0015 7. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Þekkur frá Syndur VH22-030-0116 8. Anki Frykberg (VRL-14901) - Rökkvi fra Krakö VH22-030-0014 9. Freya Olsen Dal (VRL-14901) - Litla-Jörp frá Minnibakki VH23-030-0166 10. Hanna Kaskiahde (VRL-10337) - Skúli VH23-030-0178 11. Anki Frykberg (VRL-14901) - Ára från Törnsta VH22-030-0132 12. Anki Frykberg (VRL-14901) - Perla frá Laufskáfallstöðum VH22-030-0013 13. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Dyngja frá Kalskag VH20-030-0014 14. Dee (VRL-13383) - Margrímur frá Villieldur VH23-030-0045 15. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Sinna frá Ljóma VH22-030-0061 16. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Blængur frá Trottúr VH22-030-0137 17. Dee (VRL-13383) - Tímafálki frá Myskedal VH23-030-0084 18. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Bjalla frá Syndur VH21-030-0131 19. Elina Heikkilä (VRL-10337) - Kjalla frá Sundvik VH23-030-0197 20. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Drella frá Kleppur VH22-030-0151 21. Anki Frykberg (VRL-14901) - Prettur frá Winmour VH22-030-0004 22. Anki Frykberg (VRL-14901) - Kafka VH20-030-0094 23. Dee (VRL-13383) - Hnúfa frá Myrksvík VH23-030-0079 24. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Nykur frá Kalskag VH23-030-0174 25. Dee (VRL-13383) - Netla fra Löfgård VH23-030-0065 26. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Ávangur frá Ljóma VH23-030-0074 3. Kouluratsastus FS1 (4-käynt isl) 1. Anki Frykberg (VRL-14901) - Ára från Törnsta VH22-030-0132 2. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Drella frá Kleppur VH22-030-0151 3. Dee (VRL-13383) - Netla fra Löfgård VH23-030-0065 4. Hanna Kaskiahde (VRL-10337) - Skúli VH23-030-0178 5. Auri Väänänen (VRL-14901) - Helkyr fra Krakö VH22-030-0015 6. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Ávangur frá Ljóma VH23-030-0074 7. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Bletta frá Ljóma VH23-030-0076 8. Dee (VRL-13383) - Margrímur frá Villieldur VH23-030-0045 9. Dee (VRL-13383) - Tímafálki frá Myskedal VH23-030-0084 10. aksu (VRL-00164) - Ímir frá Hugar VH21-030-0136 11. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Freyja frá Ljóma VH22-030-0070 12. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Allvar frá Sjökull VH22-030-0001 13. Anki Frykberg (VRL-14901) - Perla frá Laufskáfallstöðum VH22-030-0013 14. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Nykur frá Kalskag VH23-030-0174 15. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Bjalla frá Syndur VH21-030-0131 16. Anki Frykberg (VRL-14901) - Prettur frá Winmour VH22-030-0004 17. Freya Olsen Dal (VRL-14901) - Litla-Jörp frá Minnibakki VH23-030-0166 18. Anki Frykberg (VRL-14901) - Rökkvi fra Krakö VH22-030-0014 19. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Þekkur frá Syndur VH22-030-0116 20. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Sinna frá Ljóma VH22-030-0061 21. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Myrkva frá Ljóma VH22-030-0067 22. Elina Heikkilä (VRL-10337) - Kjalla frá Sundvik VH23-030-0197 23. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Blængur frá Trottúr VH22-030-0137 24. Anki Frykberg (VRL-14901) - Kafka VH20-030-0094 25. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Dyngja frá Kalskag VH20-030-0014 26. Dee (VRL-13383) - Hnúfa frá Myrksvík VH23-030-0079 4. 5-käynti F.1 (5-käynt isl) 1. Siiri (VRL-14355) - Feigur frá Ljóma VH21-030-0017 2. aksu (VRL-00164) - Flóki frá Hugar VH21-030-0135 3. Siiri (VRL-14355) - Haustrós frá Óreiða VH23-030-0158 4. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Þyrill frá Gídeon VH20-030-0050 5. Hanna Kaskiahde (VRL-10337) - Sverrir frá HAH VH23-030-0060 6. S (VRL-00329) - Ljúflingur frá Jón VH23-030-0145 7. Siiri (VRL-14355) - Gíslína frá Rökkurdís VH23-030-0192 8. Dee (VRL-13383) - Undri frá Winmour VH23-030-0081 9. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Glíska frá Kalskag VH20-030-0015 10. S (VRL-00329) - Jórekur frá Jón VH23-030-0130 11. S (VRL-00329) - Yngri-Snjall frá Krossavatni VH22-030-0124 12. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Galsi frá Kalskag VH15-030-0009 13. S (VRL-00329) - Jógrímur frá Jón VH23-030-0133 14. Dee (VRL-13383) - Enóla fra Kólibrí VH23-030-0046 15. Dee (VRL-13383) - Ingjaldur frá Ljóma VH23-030-0083 16. Siiri (VRL-14355) - Alfari frá Ísafjörður VH23-030-0160 17. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Neysla frá Ljóma VH20-030-0107 18. S (VRL-00329) - Ljósvíkingur frá Silur-Fossi VH22-030-0123 19. S (VRL-00329) - Yngri-Ófnir frá Jón VH23-030-0170 20. Siiri (VRL-14355) - Grýta frá Brúnirbakka VH23-030-0157 21. Dee (VRL-13383) - Gnýfari frá Námys VH23-030-0082 22. aksu (VRL-00164) - Efadís frá Ljóma VH21-030-0132 23. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Dýri frá Kalskag VH20-030-0013 24. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Gægir frá Kalskag VH23-030-0173 25. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Hnalla frá Laekur VH21-030-0014 26. Dee (VRL-13383) - Jovina frá Skíma VH23-030-0048 27. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Álfalilja frá Ljóma VH20-030-0106 28. Dee (VRL-13383) - Úlftýr frá Jæja VH23-030-0049 29. aksu (VRL-00164) - Leppa frá Hugar VH21-030-0133 30. aksu (VRL-00164) - Silfrá frá Hugar VH21-030-0134 31. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Eldur frá Ljóma VH20-030-0103 32. aksu (VRL-00164) - Baldís frá Skógur VH12-030-0024 33. Dee (VRL-13383) - Dekkja frá Jón VH23-030-0063 34. Siiri (VRL-14355) - Hermína frá Rökkurdís VH23-030-0179 35. Einár Tómasson (VRL-10337) - Lokka frá Sundyr VH21-030-0093 36. Dee (VRL-13383) - Galdramaður fra Geimur VH23-030-0047 37. Anki Frykberg (VRL-14901) - Skjálgur frá Trottúr VH21-030-0101 38. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Skrína frá Ljóma VH21-030-0018 39. Hanna Kaskiahde (VRL-10337) - Sigurdur frá HAH VH22-030-0161 40. Dee (VRL-13383) - Ávallteik frá Fróðleikur VH23-030-0050 41. aksu (VRL-00164) - Sámur frá Hugar VH21-030-0137 42. Siiri (VRL-14355) - Ljóni frá Dyrhólaey VH23-030-0159 43. S (VRL-00329) - Jórsalafari frá Vatnstörum VH22-030-0122 44. Siiri (VRL-14355) - Ástarvon frá Reynistað VH23-030-0156 45. Dee (VRL-13383) - Trítla frá Winmour VH23-030-0080 46. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Strákur frá Kalskag VH23-030-0172 47. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Hrani frá Ljóma VH20-030-0056 48. Anki Frykberg (VRL-14901) - Hneta frá Ljóma VH21-030-0105 49. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Prímus frá Ljóma VH20-030-0032 50. S (VRL-00329) - Yngri-Magni frá Jón VH23-030-0169 51. Anki Frykberg (VRL-14901) - Fjöður frá Trottúr VH22-030-0280 52. S (VRL-00329) - Ísklakkur frá Jón VH23-030-0069 53. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Grímnir frá Gídeon VH20-030-0060 54. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Hjaltína frá Suðuvik VH20-030-0099 55. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Hringja frá Kalskag VH23-030-0171 56. S (VRL-00329) - Harkur frá Ljóma VH22-030-0071 5. Passikoe PP.1 (5-käynt isl) 1. S (VRL-00329) - Ljúflingur frá Jón VH23-030-0145 2. S (VRL-00329) - Jógrímur frá Jón VH23-030-0133 3. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Hjaltína frá Suðuvik VH20-030-0099 4. aksu (VRL-00164) - Sámur frá Hugar VH21-030-0137 5. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Álfalilja frá Ljóma VH20-030-0106 6. aksu (VRL-00164) - Flóki frá Hugar VH21-030-0135 7. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Prímus frá Ljóma VH20-030-0032 8. aksu (VRL-00164) - Efadís frá Ljóma VH21-030-0132 9. Dee (VRL-13383) - Jovina frá Skíma VH23-030-0048 10. S (VRL-00329) - Jórsalafari frá Vatnstörum VH22-030-0122 11. Dee (VRL-13383) - Ingjaldur frá Ljóma VH23-030-0083 12. Dee (VRL-13383) - Galdramaður fra Geimur VH23-030-0047 13. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Grímnir frá Gídeon VH20-030-0060 14. Siiri (VRL-14355) - Hermína frá Rökkurdís VH23-030-0179 15. S (VRL-00329) - Jórekur frá Jón VH23-030-0130 16. Dee (VRL-13383) - Undri frá Winmour VH23-030-0081 17. Anki Frykberg (VRL-14901) - Hneta frá Ljóma VH21-030-0105 18. Anki Frykberg (VRL-14901) - Fjöður frá Trottúr VH22-030-0280 19. aksu (VRL-00164) - Silfrá frá Hugar VH21-030-0134 20. Einár Tómasson (VRL-10337) - Lokka frá Sundyr VH21-030-0093 21. S (VRL-00329) - Yngri-Snjall frá Krossavatni VH22-030-0124 22. Dee (VRL-13383) - Ávallteik frá Fróðleikur VH23-030-0050 23. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Hrani frá Ljóma VH20-030-0056 24. aksu (VRL-00164) - Leppa frá Hugar VH21-030-0133 25. S (VRL-00329) - Ljósvíkingur frá Silur-Fossi VH22-030-0123 26. S (VRL-00329) - Harkur frá Ljóma VH22-030-0071 27. Siiri (VRL-14355) - Alfari frá Ísafjörður VH23-030-0160 28. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Strákur frá Kalskag VH23-030-0172 29. Dee (VRL-13383) - Trítla frá Winmour VH23-030-0080 30. S (VRL-00329) - Yngri-Ófnir frá Jón VH23-030-0170 31. Dee (VRL-13383) - Úlftýr frá Jæja VH23-030-0049 32. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Hringja frá Kalskag VH23-030-0171 33. Dee (VRL-13383) - Gnýfari frá Námys VH23-030-0082 34. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Þyrill frá Gídeon VH20-030-0050 35. Dee (VRL-13383) - Dekkja frá Jón VH23-030-0063 36. S (VRL-00329) - Ísklakkur frá Jón VH23-030-0069 37. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Dýri frá Kalskag VH20-030-0013 38. Siiri (VRL-14355) - Gíslína frá Rökkurdís VH23-030-0192 39. Siiri (VRL-14355) - Haustrós frá Óreiða VH23-030-0158 40. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Glíska frá Kalskag VH20-030-0015 41. S (VRL-00329) - Yngri-Magni frá Jón VH23-030-0169 42. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Hnalla frá Laekur VH21-030-0014 43. Siiri (VRL-14355) - Ljóni frá Dyrhólaey VH23-030-0159 44. Siiri (VRL-14355) - Grýta frá Brúnirbakka VH23-030-0157 45. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Neysla frá Ljóma VH20-030-0107 46. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Galsi frá Kalskag VH15-030-0009 47. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Skrína frá Ljóma VH21-030-0018 48. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Eldur frá Ljóma VH20-030-0103 49. Hanna Kaskiahde (VRL-10337) - Sverrir frá HAH VH23-030-0060 50. Dee (VRL-13383) - Enóla fra Kólibrí VH23-030-0046 51. Anki Frykberg (VRL-14901) - Skjálgur frá Trottúr VH21-030-0101 52. Hanna Kaskiahde (VRL-10337) - Sigurdur frá HAH VH22-030-0161 53. Siiri (VRL-14355) - Ástarvon frá Reynistað VH23-030-0156 54. aksu (VRL-00164) - Baldís frá Skógur VH12-030-0024 55. Siiri (VRL-14355) - Feigur frá Ljóma VH21-030-0017 56. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Gægir frá Kalskag VH23-030-0173 6. Speedpassi P.2 (5-käynt isl) 1. Siiri (VRL-14355) - Grýta frá Brúnirbakka VH23-030-0157 2. S (VRL-00329) - Jórsalafari frá Vatnstörum VH22-030-0122 3. S (VRL-00329) - Yngri-Magni frá Jón VH23-030-0169 4. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Ljóska frá Ljóma VH20-030-0052 5. Siiri (VRL-14355) - Ljóni frá Dyrhólaey VH23-030-0159 6. Siiri (VRL-14355) - Hermína frá Rökkurdís VH23-030-0179 7. Anki Frykberg (VRL-14901) - Hneta frá Ljóma VH21-030-0105 8. Siiri (VRL-14355) - Feigur frá Ljóma VH21-030-0017 9. Dee (VRL-13383) - Undri frá Winmour VH23-030-0081 10. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Friðdís frá Ljóma VH21-030-0085 11. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Beygla frá Ljóma VH20-030-0054 12. S (VRL-00329) - Ísklakkur frá Jón VH23-030-0069 13. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Hringja frá Kalskag VH23-030-0171 14. Dee (VRL-13383) - Úlftýr frá Jæja VH23-030-0049 15. Dee (VRL-13383) - Galdramaður fra Geimur VH23-030-0047 16. Dee (VRL-13383) - Trítla frá Winmour VH23-030-0080 17. S (VRL-00329) - Harkur frá Ljóma VH22-030-0071 18. Hanna Kaskiahde (VRL-10337) - Sigurdur frá HAH VH22-030-0161 19. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Kátína frá Ljóma VH20-030-0081 20. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Ásrún frá Ljósvík VH20-030-0049 21. Siiri (VRL-14355) - Haustrós frá Óreiða VH23-030-0158 22. S (VRL-00329) - Yngri-Snjall frá Krossavatni VH22-030-0124 23. S (VRL-00329) - Jógrímur frá Jón VH23-030-0133 24. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Derrill frá Rósgarður VH21-030-0027 25. Dee (VRL-13383) - Jovina frá Skíma VH23-030-0048 26. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Glíska frá Kalskag VH20-030-0015 27. aksu (VRL-00164) - Efadís frá Ljóma VH21-030-0132 28. S (VRL-00329) - Ljúflingur frá Jón VH23-030-0145 29. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Beykir frá Ljóma VH20-030-0051 30. Siiri (VRL-14355) - Gíslína frá Rökkurdís VH23-030-0192 31. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Strákur frá Kalskag VH23-030-0172 32. Dee (VRL-13383) - Enóla fra Kólibrí VH23-030-0046 33. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Elektra frá Delmenhorst VH20-030-0043 34. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Titja frá Ljóma VH20-030-0055 35. Anki Frykberg (VRL-14901) - Skjálgur frá Trottúr VH21-030-0101 36. Siiri (VRL-14355) - Alfari frá Ísafjörður VH23-030-0160 37. S (VRL-00329) - Jórekur frá Jón VH23-030-0130 38. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Andvari frá Ljóma VH20-030-0057 39. Einár Tómasson (VRL-10337) - Lokka frá Sundyr VH21-030-0093 40. aksu (VRL-00164) - Sámur frá Hugar VH21-030-0137 41. Dee (VRL-13383) - Ávallteik frá Fróðleikur VH23-030-0050 42. Dee (VRL-13383) - Ingjaldur frá Ljóma VH23-030-0083 43. aksu (VRL-00164) - Baldís frá Skógur VH12-030-0024 44. Siiri (VRL-14355) - Ástarvon frá Reynistað VH23-030-0156 45. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Dýri frá Kalskag VH20-030-0013 46. Dee (VRL-13383) - Dekkja frá Jón VH23-030-0063 47. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Galsi frá Kalskag VH15-030-0009 48. S (VRL-00329) - Ljósvíkingur frá Silur-Fossi VH22-030-0123 49. Hanna Kaskiahde (VRL-10337) - Sverrir frá HAH VH23-030-0060 50. S (VRL-00329) - Yngri-Ófnir frá Jón VH23-030-0170 51. Anki Frykberg (VRL-14901) - Fjöður frá Trottúr VH22-030-0280 52. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Gægir frá Kalskag VH23-030-0173 53. aksu (VRL-00164) - Leppa frá Hugar VH21-030-0133 54. aksu (VRL-00164) - Silfrá frá Hugar VH21-030-0134 55. aksu (VRL-00164) - Flóki frá Hugar VH21-030-0135 56. Dee (VRL-13383) - Gnýfari frá Námys VH23-030-0082 7. Slow Gait (sdb & nsh) 1. S (VRL-00329) - Nite Train 2702 VH23-078-0011 2. S (VRL-00329) - Xason Ion VH22-078-0018 3. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Star Thistle Glow VH22-016-0003 4. S (VRL-00329) - Empress Mabella Ion VH22-078-0014 5. S (VRL-00329) - Dance And Fiction 2702 VH23-078-0004 6. S (VRL-00329) - Adamant 2702 VH23-078-0003 7. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Jolly Baron Glow VH22-016-0004 8. S (VRL-00329) - Queen Of Nile Ion VH22-078-0015 9. S (VRL-00329) - Perfect Manhattan 2702 VH23-078-0006 10. S (VRL-00329) - Prima Ballerina Assoluta 2702 VH23-078-0002 11. S (VRL-00329) - D'Scription 2702 VH23-078-0005 12. S (VRL-00329) - Torndown Ion VH22-078-0013 13. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Boomboomkah Glow VH21-016-0046 14. Mari H (VRL-05704) - One Shot Glow VH21-016-0049 15. Nintsu (VRL-01851) - Sierra Dreamcatcher VH22-078-0019 8. Rack (sdb & nsh) 1. S (VRL-00329) - D'Scription 2702 VH23-078-0005 2. S (VRL-00329) - Nite Train 2702 VH23-078-0011 3. Nintsu (VRL-01851) - Sierra Dreamcatcher VH22-078-0019 4. S (VRL-00329) - Torndown Ion VH22-078-0013 5. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Boomboomkah Glow VH21-016-0046 6. S (VRL-00329) - Prima Ballerina Assoluta 2702 VH23-078-0002 7. S (VRL-00329) - Perfect Manhattan 2702 VH23-078-0006 8. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Jolly Baron Glow VH22-016-0004 9. S (VRL-00329) - Dance And Fiction 2702 VH23-078-0004 10. S (VRL-00329) - Adamant 2702 VH23-078-0003 11. S (VRL-00329) - Xason Ion VH22-078-0018 12. S (VRL-00329) - Empress Mabella Ion VH22-078-0014 13. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Star Thistle Glow VH22-016-0003 14. Mari H (VRL-05704) - One Shot Glow VH21-016-0049 15. S (VRL-00329) - Queen Of Nile Ion VH22-078-0015 9. 5-käynti (sdb & nsh) 1. S (VRL-00329) - Prima Ballerina Assoluta 2702 VH23-078-0002 2. Nintsu (VRL-01851) - Sierra Dreamcatcher VH22-078-0019 3. S (VRL-00329) - Xason Ion VH22-078-0018 4. S (VRL-00329) - Nite Train 2702 VH23-078-0011 5. S (VRL-00329) - Perfect Manhattan 2702 VH23-078-0006 6. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Star Thistle Glow VH22-016-0003 7. S (VRL-00329) - Torndown Ion VH22-078-0013 8. S (VRL-00329) - Dance And Fiction 2702 VH23-078-0004 9. S (VRL-00329) - D'Scription 2702 VH23-078-0005 10. S (VRL-00329) - Empress Mabella Ion VH22-078-0014 11. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Jolly Baron Glow VH22-016-0004 12. S (VRL-00329) - Queen Of Nile Ion VH22-078-0015 13. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Boomboomkah Glow VH21-016-0046 14. S (VRL-00329) - Adamant 2702 VH23-078-0003 15. Mari H (VRL-05704) - One Shot Glow VH21-016-0049 10. Nelitahtikäynti (twh) 1. S (VRL-00329) - Bushmaster Ion VH22-019-0018 2. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Hazard's Desert Storm VH21-019-0029 3. S (VRL-00329) - Angelface Ion VH23-019-0032 4. S (VRL-00329) - Black Cossack 2702 VH23-019-0006 5. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Overrule VH20-019-0072 6. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Bam Bam Bailey VH21-019-0072 7. S (VRL-00329) - Beggar King Ion VH23-019-0038 8. S (VRL-00329) - Azure Moon 2702 VH23-019-0017 9. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Dreighton Glow VH22-019-0008 10. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Hazard's Lucky Impling VH17-019-0060 11. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Hazard's Gold Coast VH21-019-0028 12. S (VRL-00329) - Alarte Ascendare 2702 VH23-019-0059 13. S (VRL-00329) - Bigtime Beagle Ion VH23-019-0019 14. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Wonderful Years VH22-019-0049 15. Mari H (VRL-05704) - CHR Inflict Doesca VH21-019-0012 16. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Liberty Rules Glow VH22-019-0009 17. S (VRL-00329) - Back In The Loop 2702 VH23-019-0047 18. S (VRL-00329) - Banded Krait Ion VH20-019-0034 19. S (VRL-00329) - Bootcut Jeans Ion VH22-019-0055 11. Juoksukäynti (twh) 1. S (VRL-00329) - Black Cossack 2702 VH23-019-0006 2. S (VRL-00329) - Banded Krait Ion VH20-019-0034 3. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Wonderful Years VH22-019-0049 4. S (VRL-00329) - Bootcut Jeans Ion VH22-019-0055 5. Mari H (VRL-05704) - CHR Inflict Doesca VH21-019-0012 6. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Overrule VH20-019-0072 7. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Hazard's Desert Storm VH21-019-0029 8. S (VRL-00329) - Bushmaster Ion VH22-019-0018 9. S (VRL-00329) - Beggar King Ion VH23-019-0038 10. S (VRL-00329) - Angelface Ion VH23-019-0032 11. S (VRL-00329) - Bigtime Beagle Ion VH23-019-0019 12. S (VRL-00329) - Azure Moon 2702 VH23-019-0017 13. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Liberty Rules Glow VH22-019-0009 14. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Bam Bam Bailey VH21-019-0072 15. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Hazard's Lucky Impling VH17-019-0060 16. S (VRL-00329) - Back In The Loop 2702 VH23-019-0047 17. S (VRL-00329) - Alarte Ascendare 2702 VH23-019-0059 18. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Dreighton Glow VH22-019-0008 19. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Hazard's Gold Coast VH21-019-0028 12. Keinutuolilaukka (twh) 1. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Overrule VH20-019-0072 2. S (VRL-00329) - Back In The Loop 2702 VH23-019-0047 3. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Hazard's Gold Coast VH21-019-0028 4. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Wonderful Years VH22-019-0049 5. S (VRL-00329) - Angelface Ion VH23-019-0032 6. S (VRL-00329) - Black Cossack 2702 VH23-019-0006 7. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Liberty Rules Glow VH22-019-0009 8. Mari H (VRL-05704) - CHR Inflict Doesca VH21-019-0012 9. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Bam Bam Bailey VH21-019-0072 10. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Dreighton Glow VH22-019-0008 11. S (VRL-00329) - Bootcut Jeans Ion VH22-019-0055 12. S (VRL-00329) - Azure Moon 2702 VH23-019-0017 13. S (VRL-00329) - Banded Krait Ion VH20-019-0034 14. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Hazard's Lucky Impling VH17-019-0060 15. S (VRL-00329) - Bigtime Beagle Ion VH23-019-0019 16. S (VRL-00329) - Alarte Ascendare 2702 VH23-019-0059 17. S (VRL-00329) - Beggar King Ion VH23-019-0038 18. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Hazard's Desert Storm VH21-019-0029 19. S (VRL-00329) - Bushmaster Ion VH22-019-0018 13. 3-käynti (muut rodut kuin yo.) 1. S (VRL-00329) - Juaquino la Bondasa VH21-067-0013 2. S (VRL-00329) - Pitagor Caldosa VH21-067-0015 3. S (VRL-00329) - Contrada del Clasico VH20-067-0006 4. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Bang Bang VH21-072-0010 5. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Celescere BBR VH23-082-0005 6. S (VRL-00329) - Biron del Niendo VH21-067-0011 7. S (VRL-00329) - Jamyleth CG VH21-067-0019 8. S (VRL-00329) - Santa Munditia de Ion VH23-067-0013 9. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Heartdust Glow VH21-072-0031 10. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Etheldreda Glow VH21-072-0032 11. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Ironsky Ion VH17-072-0005 12. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Platinum Tornado Ion VH20-072-0047 13. Pierre (VRL-10531) - B.B. Immortal Inferni VH21-072-0066 14. S (VRL-00329) - Felixa Le Mago VH21-067-0018 15. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Nebuchadnezzar Glow VH21-072-0030 16. S (VRL-00329) - Xiomaria de Lago Blanco VH21-067-0024 17. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Jenny Andrews Ion VH21-072-0038 18. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Diamond Dust Delm VH20-072-0054 19. S (VRL-00329) - Petrolera de la Cortesa VH20-067-0007 20. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Old Rose Blues VH20-072-0051 21. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Tergeo BBR VH23-082-0004 22. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Glademist Celestial Moon VH21-072-0011 23. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Dolly Glow VH21-072-0029 24. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Rocha de Firmeza VH21-082-0002 25. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Aurora Borealis Ion VH21-072-0037 26. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Cinza da Cristalina VH15-082-0001 27. S (VRL-00329) - Monsita Primorosa VH21-067-0020 28. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Lighthearthed Ion VH20-072-0048 29. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Delmara Glow VH21-072-0007 14. 4-käynti (muut rodut kuin yo.) 1. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Celescere BBR VH23-082-0005 2. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Tergeo BBR VH23-082-0004 3. S (VRL-00329) - Juaquino la Bondasa VH21-067-0013 4. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Etheldreda Glow VH21-072-0032 5. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Bang Bang VH21-072-0010 6. S (VRL-00329) - Contrada del Clasico VH20-067-0006 7. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Platinum Tornado Ion VH20-072-0047 8. S (VRL-00329) - Monsita Primorosa VH21-067-0020 9. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Heartdust Glow VH21-072-0031 10. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Old Rose Blues VH20-072-0051 11. S (VRL-00329) - Petrolera de la Cortesa VH20-067-0007 12. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Cinza da Cristalina VH15-082-0001 13. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Dolly Glow VH21-072-0029 14. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Glademist Celestial Moon VH21-072-0011 15. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Diamond Dust Delm VH20-072-0054 16. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Rocha de Firmeza VH21-082-0002 17. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Jenny Andrews Ion VH21-072-0038 18. Pierre (VRL-10531) - B.B. Immortal Inferni VH21-072-0066 19. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Nebuchadnezzar Glow VH21-072-0030 20. S (VRL-00329) - Jamyleth CG VH21-067-0019 21. S (VRL-00329) - Santa Munditia de Ion VH23-067-0013 22. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Ironsky Ion VH17-072-0005 23. S (VRL-00329) - Xiomaria de Lago Blanco VH21-067-0024 24. S (VRL-00329) - Felixa Le Mago VH21-067-0018 25. S (VRL-00329) - Biron del Niendo VH21-067-0011 26. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Lighthearthed Ion VH20-072-0048 27. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Aurora Borealis Ion VH21-072-0037 28. S (VRL-00329) - Pitagor Caldosa VH21-067-0015 29. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Delmara Glow VH21-072-0007 15. 5-käynti (muut rodut kuin yo.) 1. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Glademist Celestial Moon VH21-072-0011 2. S (VRL-00329) - Felixa Le Mago VH21-067-0018 3. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Cinza da Cristalina VH15-082-0001 4. S (VRL-00329) - Xiomaria de Lago Blanco VH21-067-0024 5. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Bang Bang VH21-072-0010 6. S (VRL-00329) - Santa Munditia de Ion VH23-067-0013 7. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Aurora Borealis Ion VH21-072-0037 8. S (VRL-00329) - Pitagor Caldosa VH21-067-0015 9. S (VRL-00329) - Contrada del Clasico VH20-067-0006 10. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Rocha de Firmeza VH21-082-0002 11. S (VRL-00329) - Juaquino la Bondasa VH21-067-0013 12. S (VRL-00329) - Biron del Niendo VH21-067-0011 13. S (VRL-00329) - Jamyleth CG VH21-067-0019 14. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Celescere BBR VH23-082-0005 15. S (VRL-00329) - Monsita Primorosa VH21-067-0020 16. Pierre (VRL-10531) - B.B. Immortal Inferni VH21-072-0066 17. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Jenny Andrews Ion VH21-072-0038 18. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Tergeo BBR VH23-082-0004 19. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Ironsky Ion VH17-072-0005 20. S (VRL-00329) - Petrolera de la Cortesa VH20-067-0007Saddleseat-luokat:
16. Classic Pleasure 1. Nintsu (VRL-01851) - Yaqtin ox VH22-003-0115 2. S (VRL-00329) - Zenabu GA ox VH22-003-0209 3. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Shine Like A Star VH23-072-0019 4. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Get Your Guns VH20-059-0058 5. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Lipstick Lies Delm VH19-019-0001 6. S (VRL-00329) - Armani Tess ox VH22-003-0092 7. S (VRL-00329) - Korel Tarih ox VH20-003-0028 8. S (VRL-00329) - Jeza Carezys ox VH20-003-0023 9. Nintsu (VRL-01851) - Falafl Ahmar ox VH22-003-0119 10. S (VRL-00329) - Korel Fareddin ox VH20-003-0026 11. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Cygnus Glow VH21-072-0028 12. S (VRL-00329) - Yaron Tajalddin ox VH22-003-0179 13. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Get Your Wish Glow VH21-059-0031 14. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Destination Somewhere Glow VH21-059-0032 15. Nintsu (VRL-01851) - Khiar ox VH22-003-0116 16. Nintsu (VRL-01851) - Kusa ox VH22-003-0118 17. S (VRL-00329) - Mehran Mashallah ox VH22-003-0108 18. S (VRL-00329) - Narses Tess ox VH22-003-0095 19. S (VRL-00329) - Korel Caesario ox VH20-003-0025 20. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Wida al Qssim VH19-003-0095 21. S (VRL-00329) - Bataarah Najeeb ox VH23-003-0033 22. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Blonde Wraith Glow VH21-059-0029 17. Classic Pleasure Driving 1. Nintsu (VRL-01851) - Kusa ox VH22-003-0118 2. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Shine Like A Star VH23-072-0019 3. S (VRL-00329) - Korel Tarih ox VH20-003-0028 4. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Cygnus Glow VH21-072-0028 5. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Wida al Qssim VH19-003-0095 6. S (VRL-00329) - Yaron Tajalddin ox VH22-003-0179 7. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Get Your Wish Glow VH21-059-0031 8. Nintsu (VRL-01851) - Khiar ox VH22-003-0116 9. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Blonde Wraith Glow VH21-059-0029 10. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Lipstick Lies Delm VH19-019-0001 11. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Destination Somewhere Glow VH21-059-0032 12. S (VRL-00329) - Mehran Mashallah ox VH22-003-0108 13. S (VRL-00329) - Korel Fareddin ox VH20-003-0026 14. S (VRL-00329) - Zenabu GA ox VH22-003-0209 15. S (VRL-00329) - Jeza Carezys ox VH20-003-0023 16. S (VRL-00329) - Korel Caesario ox VH20-003-0025 17. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Get Your Guns VH20-059-0058 18. Nintsu (VRL-01851) - Falafl Ahmar ox VH22-003-0119 19. S (VRL-00329) - Bataarah Najeeb ox VH23-003-0033 20. S (VRL-00329) - Narses Tess ox VH22-003-0095 21. S (VRL-00329) - Armani Tess ox VH22-003-0092 22. Nintsu (VRL-01851) - Yaqtin ox VH22-003-0115 18. Classic Country Combination 1. S (VRL-00329) - Bataarah Najeeb ox VH23-003-0033 2. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Cygnus Glow VH21-072-0028 3. Nintsu (VRL-01851) - Kusa ox VH22-003-0118 4. Nintsu (VRL-01851) - Falafl Ahmar ox VH22-003-0119 5. S (VRL-00329) - Armani Tess ox VH22-003-0092 6. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Shine Like A Star VH23-072-0019 7. S (VRL-00329) - Zenabu GA ox VH22-003-0209 8. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Blonde Wraith Glow VH21-059-0029 9. S (VRL-00329) - Korel Fareddin ox VH20-003-0026 10. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Wida al Qssim VH19-003-0095 11. S (VRL-00329) - Jeza Carezys ox VH20-003-0023 12. S (VRL-00329) - Yaron Tajalddin ox VH22-003-0179 13. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Destination Somewhere Glow VH21-059-0032 14. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Get Your Wish Glow VH21-059-0031 15. S (VRL-00329) - Korel Caesario ox VH20-003-0025 16. S (VRL-00329) - Mehran Mashallah ox VH22-003-0108 17. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Get Your Guns VH20-059-0058 18. Nintsu (VRL-01851) - Yaqtin ox VH22-003-0115 19. Nintsu (VRL-01851) - Khiar ox VH22-003-0116 20. S (VRL-00329) - Narses Tess ox VH22-003-0095 21. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Lipstick Lies Delm VH19-019-0001 22. S (VRL-00329) - Korel Tarih ox VH20-003-0028 19. Country Pleasure 1. S (VRL-00329) - Nawar Nuri ox VH23-003-0074 2. S (VRL-00329) - Fanya Marzouk ox VH23-003-0180 3. S (VRL-00329) - Indya Ghasharab ox VH22-003-0163 4. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Holiday Jingle VH20-019-0075 5. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Glorious Sailor Glow VH22-019-0007 6. S (VRL-00329) - Mehran Yaseer ox VH23-003-0081 7. S (VRL-00329) - Jihad Yezzan ox VH23-003-0089 8. S (VRL-00329) - Ozir Eragon ox VH21-003-0058 9. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Turning In Grave Glow VH22-019-0004 10. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Nasira ox VH18-003-0069 11. S (VRL-00329) - Cirrus al Wim ox VH22-003-0093 12. S (VRL-00329) - Shakira Yushua ox VH12-003-0987 13. S (VRL-00329) - Maqdisi Bejazit ox VH22-003-0215 14. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Wasie al Eshiq VH17-003-0142 15. S (VRL-00329) - MJA Nazariy ox VH22-003-0193 20. Country Pleasure Driving 1. S (VRL-00329) - MJA Nazariy ox VH22-003-0193 2. S (VRL-00329) - Indya Ghasharab ox VH22-003-0163 3. S (VRL-00329) - Jihad Yezzan ox VH23-003-0089 4. S (VRL-00329) - Mehran Yaseer ox VH23-003-0081 5. S (VRL-00329) - Fanya Marzouk ox VH23-003-0180 6. S (VRL-00329) - Cirrus al Wim ox VH22-003-0093 7. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Wasie al Eshiq VH17-003-0142 8. S (VRL-00329) - Nawar Nuri ox VH23-003-0074 9. S (VRL-00329) - Ozir Eragon ox VH21-003-0058 10. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Holiday Jingle VH20-019-0075 11. S (VRL-00329) - Maqdisi Bejazit ox VH22-003-0215 12. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Glorious Sailor Glow VH22-019-0007 13. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Turning In Grave Glow VH22-019-0004 14. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Nasira ox VH18-003-0069 15. S (VRL-00329) - Shakira Yushua ox VH12-003-0987 21. Country Combination 1. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Turning In Grave Glow VH22-019-0004 2. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Glorious Sailor Glow VH22-019-0007 3. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Nasira ox VH18-003-0069 4. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Wasie al Eshiq VH17-003-0142 5. S (VRL-00329) - Mehran Yaseer ox VH23-003-0081 6. S (VRL-00329) - Cirrus al Wim ox VH22-003-0093 7. S (VRL-00329) - Ozir Eragon ox VH21-003-0058 8. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Holiday Jingle VH20-019-0075 9. S (VRL-00329) - Jihad Yezzan ox VH23-003-0089 10. S (VRL-00329) - Nawar Nuri ox VH23-003-0074 11. S (VRL-00329) - Indya Ghasharab ox VH22-003-0163 12. S (VRL-00329) - MJA Nazariy ox VH22-003-0193 13. S (VRL-00329) - Fanya Marzouk ox VH23-003-0180 14. S (VRL-00329) - Shakira Yushua ox VH12-003-0987 15. S (VRL-00329) - Maqdisi Bejazit ox VH22-003-0215 22. English Pleasure 1. S (VRL-00329) - Wadi Jahanir ox VH15-003-0283 2. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Junayd VH23-003-0215 3. S (VRL-00329) - Elfat Firoz ox VH23-003-0151 4. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Temple Of The Tears VH23-072-0020 5. S (VRL-00329) - Mabila ox VH21-003-0084 6. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Hasana Fawaz VH23-003-0214 7. S (VRL-00329) - Crane Kasanje ox VH23-003-0097 8. Nintsu (VRL-01851) - Fasulya ox VH22-003-0120 9. S (VRL-00329) - Amab Qauri ox VH12-003-0131 10. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Coffee Heist Glow VH21-059-0030 11. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Hazard's Goldenrod VH17-019-0103 12. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Goldenmosa Glow VH22-019-0010 13. S (VRL-00329) - Umaira Barkhad ox VH23-003-0038 14. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Punto Banco Glow VH20-016-0087 15. S (VRL-00329) - MJA Qamar al Badr ox VH22-003-0194 16. Nintsu (VRL-01851) - Qarnabit Abyad ox VH22-003-0117 17. Nintsu (VRL-01851) - Wae'sh el Taue ox VH22-003-0121 18. S (VRL-00329) - Ozir Bakri Shai ox VH22-003-0097 19. Nintsu (VRL-01851) - Artemio al Almas VH21-003-0050 20. S (VRL-00329) - Farrah Junaid ox VH12-003-0004 21. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Starburst Glow VH21-016-0047 22. Nintsu (VRL-01851) - Albadhinjan ox VH22-003-0114 23. S (VRL-00329) - Beyazid GA ox VH22-003-0206 23. English Pleasure Driving 1. S (VRL-00329) - Amab Qauri ox VH12-003-0131 2. S (VRL-00329) - Ozir Bakri Shai ox VH22-003-0097 3. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Punto Banco Glow VH20-016-0087 4. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Goldenmosa Glow VH22-019-0010 5. S (VRL-00329) - Farrah Junaid ox VH12-003-0004 6. S (VRL-00329) - Umaira Barkhad ox VH23-003-0038 7. S (VRL-00329) - Mabila ox VH21-003-0084 8. Nintsu (VRL-01851) - Qarnabit Abyad ox VH22-003-0117 9. Nintsu (VRL-01851) - Albadhinjan ox VH22-003-0114 10. Nintsu (VRL-01851) - Fasulya ox VH22-003-0120 11. Nintsu (VRL-01851) - Artemio al Almas VH21-003-0050 12. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Junayd VH23-003-0215 13. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Coffee Heist Glow VH21-059-0030 14. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Temple Of The Tears VH23-072-0020 15. S (VRL-00329) - MJA Qamar al Badr ox VH22-003-0194 16. Nintsu (VRL-01851) - Wae'sh el Taue ox VH22-003-0121 17. S (VRL-00329) - Crane Kasanje ox VH23-003-0097 18. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Starburst Glow VH21-016-0047 19. S (VRL-00329) - Beyazid GA ox VH22-003-0206 20. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Hazard's Goldenrod VH17-019-0103 21. S (VRL-00329) - Wadi Jahanir ox VH15-003-0283 22. S (VRL-00329) - Elfat Firoz ox VH23-003-0151 23. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Hasana Fawaz VH23-003-0214 24. Informal Combination 1. S (VRL-00329) - Farrah Junaid ox VH12-003-0004 2. S (VRL-00329) - Mabila ox VH21-003-0084 3. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Temple Of The Tears VH23-072-0020 4. S (VRL-00329) - Elfat Firoz ox VH23-003-0151 5. Nintsu (VRL-01851) - Fasulya ox VH22-003-0120 6. Nintsu (VRL-01851) - Wae'sh el Taue ox VH22-003-0121 7. S (VRL-00329) - Ozir Bakri Shai ox VH22-003-0097 8. S (VRL-00329) - Amab Qauri ox VH12-003-0131 9. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Hazard's Goldenrod VH17-019-0103 10. Nintsu (VRL-01851) - Albadhinjan ox VH22-003-0114 11. S (VRL-00329) - Beyazid GA ox VH22-003-0206 12. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Coffee Heist Glow VH21-059-0030 13. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Goldenmosa Glow VH22-019-0010 14. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Junayd VH23-003-0215 15. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Punto Banco Glow VH20-016-0087 16. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Hasana Fawaz VH23-003-0214 17. S (VRL-00329) - Umaira Barkhad ox VH23-003-0038 18. S (VRL-00329) - MJA Qamar al Badr ox VH22-003-0194 19. Nintsu (VRL-01851) - Artemio al Almas VH21-003-0050 20. S (VRL-00329) - Crane Kasanje ox VH23-003-0097 21. Nintsu (VRL-01851) - Qarnabit Abyad ox VH22-003-0117 22. S (VRL-00329) - Wadi Jahanir ox VH15-003-0283 23. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Starburst Glow VH21-016-0047 25. Show Pleasure 1. S (VRL-00329) - Qirah Beyhan ox VH22-003-0218 2. S (VRL-00329) - Cosmetik Danawi ox VH12-003-0146 3. S (VRL-00329) - Ozir Dandan ox VH22-003-0184 4. S (VRL-00329) - Ozir Madani ox VH23-003-0077 5. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Wolf Creek Imperio VH22-019-0011 6. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Primadonna Glow VH22-019-0005 7. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Zeqoia VH23-003-0216 8. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Galila Glow VH21-003-0090 9. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Nizam Al Ben VH23-003-0213 10. S (VRL-00329) - Amab Gandalf ox VH12-003-0084 11. S (VRL-00329) - Jeza Gatanes ox VH23-003-0163 12. S (VRL-00329) - Wadi Samir ox VH15-003-0282 13. S (VRL-00329) - Ozir Oualid ox VH22-003-0185 14. S (VRL-00329) - Fahmi Adiye GA ox VH22-003-0207 15. S (VRL-00329) - Syanid Rawel ox VH15-003-0291 26. Show Pleasure Driving 1. S (VRL-00329) - Jeza Gatanes ox VH23-003-0163 2. S (VRL-00329) - Ozir Dandan ox VH22-003-0184 3. S (VRL-00329) - Syanid Rawel ox VH15-003-0291 4. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Wolf Creek Imperio VH22-019-0011 5. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Nizam Al Ben VH23-003-0213 6. S (VRL-00329) - Fahmi Adiye GA ox VH22-003-0207 7. S (VRL-00329) - Ozir Oualid ox VH22-003-0185 8. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Galila Glow VH21-003-0090 9. S (VRL-00329) - Wadi Samir ox VH15-003-0282 10. S (VRL-00329) - Qirah Beyhan ox VH22-003-0218 11. S (VRL-00329) - Amab Gandalf ox VH12-003-0084 12. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Primadonna Glow VH22-019-0005 13. S (VRL-00329) - Ozir Madani ox VH23-003-0077 14. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Zeqoia VH23-003-0216 15. S (VRL-00329) - Cosmetik Danawi ox VH12-003-0146 27. Informal Show Combination 1. S (VRL-00329) - Wadi Samir ox VH15-003-0282 2. S (VRL-00329) - Qirah Beyhan ox VH22-003-0218 3. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Zeqoia VH23-003-0216 4. S (VRL-00329) - Ozir Madani ox VH23-003-0077 5. S (VRL-00329) - Ozir Dandan ox VH22-003-0184 6. S (VRL-00329) - Jeza Gatanes ox VH23-003-0163 7. S (VRL-00329) - Ozir Oualid ox VH22-003-0185 8. S (VRL-00329) - Amab Gandalf ox VH12-003-0084 9. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Wolf Creek Imperio VH22-019-0011 10. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Primadonna Glow VH22-019-0005 11. S (VRL-00329) - Fahmi Adiye GA ox VH22-003-0207 12. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Galila Glow VH21-003-0090 13. S (VRL-00329) - Cosmetik Danawi ox VH12-003-0146 14. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Nizam Al Ben VH23-003-0213 15. S (VRL-00329) - Syanid Rawel ox VH15-003-0291 28. Park 1. S (VRL-00329) - Taquez al-Amir ox VH22-003-0096 2. S (VRL-00329) - Zefir Jirjis ox VH23-003-0002 3. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Starry Disaster Glow VH21-016-0048 4. S (VRL-00329) - Prezyk MJA ox VH21-003-0185 5. S (VRL-00329) - Badieh Mafusail ox VH22-003-0165 6. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Kiss Me Goodbye Ion VH21-019-0026 7. S (VRL-00329) - Labwah Sayfur ox VH22-003-0214 8. S (VRL-00329) - Fanya Jahlil ox VH23-003-0075 9. S (VRL-00329) - Jihad Jumor ox VH15-003-0323 10. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Golden Touch Glow VH22-019-0006 11. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Hardcore Glow VH21-059-0028 12. S (VRL-00329) - Saifanur GA ox VH22-003-0208 13. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Tears of the Sun VH21-059-0015 14. S (VRL-00329) - MJA Mus'ad al Nour ox VH22-003-0192 15. S (VRL-00329) - Fiddat Hyksos ox VH23-003-0178 16. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Razzle-Dazzle Ion VH21-016-0014 29. Park Harness 1. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Starry Disaster Glow VH21-016-0048 2. S (VRL-00329) - Taquez al-Amir ox VH22-003-0096 3. S (VRL-00329) - MJA Mus'ad al Nour ox VH22-003-0192 4. S (VRL-00329) - Fiddat Hyksos ox VH23-003-0178 5. S (VRL-00329) - Badieh Mafusail ox VH22-003-0165 6. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Golden Touch Glow VH22-019-0006 7. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Tears of the Sun VH21-059-0015 8. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Razzle-Dazzle Ion VH21-016-0014 9. S (VRL-00329) - Fanya Jahlil ox VH23-003-0075 10. S (VRL-00329) - Zefir Jirjis ox VH23-003-0002 11. S (VRL-00329) - Labwah Sayfur ox VH22-003-0214 12. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Kiss Me Goodbye Ion VH21-019-0026 13. S (VRL-00329) - Jihad Jumor ox VH15-003-0323 14. S (VRL-00329) - Prezyk MJA ox VH21-003-0185 15. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Hardcore Glow VH21-059-0028 16. S (VRL-00329) - Saifanur GA ox VH22-003-0208 30. Formal Combination 1. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Golden Touch Glow VH22-019-0006 2. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Tears of the Sun VH21-059-0015 3. S (VRL-00329) - Badieh Mafusail ox VH22-003-0165 4. S (VRL-00329) - Fanya Jahlil ox VH23-003-0075 5. S (VRL-00329) - Labwah Sayfur ox VH22-003-0214 6. S (VRL-00329) - Saifanur GA ox VH22-003-0208 7. S (VRL-00329) - Jihad Jumor ox VH15-003-0323 8. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Hardcore Glow VH21-059-0028 9. S (VRL-00329) - Taquez al-Amir ox VH22-003-0096 10. S (VRL-00329) - Prezyk MJA ox VH21-003-0185 11. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Starry Disaster Glow VH21-016-0048 12. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Razzle-Dazzle Ion VH21-016-0014 13. S (VRL-00329) - Fiddat Hyksos ox VH23-003-0178 14. S (VRL-00329) - Zefir Jirjis ox VH23-003-0002 15. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Kiss Me Goodbye Ion VH21-019-0026 16. S (VRL-00329) - MJA Mus'ad al Nour ox VH22-003-0192Ajoluokat:
31. Pleasure Driving 1. S (VRL-00329) - Wychbrook Yours Truly VH22-047-0006 2. S (VRL-00329) - Weilford Sir Merlin VH23-047-0037 3. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Fame's Venus VH21-029-0019 4. S (VRL-00329) - Rough Copy Ion VH23-047-0021 5. S (VRL-00329) - Traver's Making Headlines VH22-047-0005 6. S (VRL-00329) - Thoroughly Yours Ion VH23-047-0032 7. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Ponipalleron Kassiopeia VH20-018-0919 8. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Melker LH VH20-010-0082 9. S (VRL-00329) - Ozir Elios ox VH21-003-0057 10. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Crampton Schuffelen VH20-115-0018 11. S (VRL-00329) - What A Headline Ion VH23-047-0029 12. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Ponipalleron Fauni VH20-028-0152 13. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Ponipalleron Odessa VH20-017-0096 14. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Iwillthinkaboutit Thrill VH20-031-0100 15. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Kadon Radikaali VH21-018-0027 16. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Hämäränhyssy VH20-018-1013 17. S (VRL-00329) - Red-Head Royal Ion VH23-047-0026 18. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - PP's Vigrid VH20-053-0001 19. S (VRL-00329) - Starburst Supreme Replica VH23-047-0036 32. Pleasure Driving 1. S (VRL-00329) - Weilford Sir Merlin VH23-047-0037 2. S (VRL-00329) - Starburst Supreme Replica VH23-047-0036 3. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Fame's Venus VH21-029-0019 4. S (VRL-00329) - Wychbrook Yours Truly VH22-047-0006 5. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - PP's Vigrid VH20-053-0001 6. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Ponipalleron Kassiopeia VH20-018-0919 7. S (VRL-00329) - Thoroughly Yours Ion VH23-047-0032 8. S (VRL-00329) - Ozir Elios ox VH21-003-0057 9. S (VRL-00329) - Rough Copy Ion VH23-047-0021 10. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Ponipalleron Fauni VH20-028-0152 11. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Melker LH VH20-010-0082 12. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Ponipalleron Odessa VH20-017-0096 13. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Hämäränhyssy VH20-018-1013 14. S (VRL-00329) - Red-Head Royal Ion VH23-047-0026 15. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Iwillthinkaboutit Thrill VH20-031-0100 16. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Kadon Radikaali VH21-018-0027 17. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Crampton Schuffelen VH20-115-0018 18. S (VRL-00329) - Traver's Making Headlines VH22-047-0005 19. S (VRL-00329) - What A Headline Ion VH23-047-0029 33. Pleasure Driving 1. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Hämäränhyssy VH20-018-1013 2. S (VRL-00329) - Starburst Supreme Replica VH23-047-0036 3. S (VRL-00329) - Wychbrook Yours Truly VH22-047-0006 4. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Crampton Schuffelen VH20-115-0018 5. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Kadon Radikaali VH21-018-0027 6. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Fame's Venus VH21-029-0019 7. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Ponipalleron Kassiopeia VH20-018-0919 8. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Ponipalleron Fauni VH20-028-0152 9. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - PP's Vigrid VH20-053-0001 10. S (VRL-00329) - Weilford Sir Merlin VH23-047-0037 11. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Ponipalleron Odessa VH20-017-0096 12. S (VRL-00329) - Rough Copy Ion VH23-047-0021 13. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Melker LH VH20-010-0082 14. S (VRL-00329) - What A Headline Ion VH23-047-0029 15. S (VRL-00329) - Ozir Elios ox VH21-003-0057 16. S (VRL-00329) - Red-Head Royal Ion VH23-047-0026 17. S (VRL-00329) - Traver's Making Headlines VH22-047-0005 18. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Iwillthinkaboutit Thrill VH20-031-0100 19. S (VRL-00329) - Thoroughly Yours Ion VH23-047-0032 34. Fine Harness 1. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Bluebird Web VH23-085-0021 2. S (VRL-00329) - Last King Regent Ion VH23-047-0005 3. S (VRL-00329) - Forever Yours Ion VH23-047-0030 4. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Capers Caveman VH23-085-0019 5. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Willow O'Wisp VH23-085-0015 6. S (VRL-00329) - Marimin Ion VH22-047-0013 7. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Natural Pearl VH23-085-0024 8. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Arian Phantom VH23-085-0023 9. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Gerinant Fury VH23-085-0020 10. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Red Revelry VH23-085-0022 11. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Gaiety Deracres VH23-085-0018 12. S (VRL-00329) - Craigfleet Final Touch VH22-047-0011 13. S (VRL-00329) - Dufferton Clayborne VH23-047-0034 14. S (VRL-00329) - Platinum Jubilee Ion VH23-047-0003 15. S (VRL-00329) - Albert Park Vicereine VH22-047-0007 16. S (VRL-00329) - Macklewich Such A Beauty VH23-047-0039 17. S (VRL-00329) - Drama King VH22-047-0014 18. S (VRL-00329) - Princely Drama Ion VH23-047-0022 19. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Perrywood Imogene VH23-085-0016 20. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Mirrolane Thunder VH23-085-0017 35. Fine Harness 1. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Capers Caveman VH23-085-0019 2. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Mirrolane Thunder VH23-085-0017 3. S (VRL-00329) - Craigfleet Final Touch VH22-047-0011 4. S (VRL-00329) - Last King Regent Ion VH23-047-0005 5. S (VRL-00329) - Albert Park Vicereine VH22-047-0007 6. S (VRL-00329) - Marimin Ion VH22-047-0013 7. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Perrywood Imogene VH23-085-0016 8. S (VRL-00329) - Platinum Jubilee Ion VH23-047-0003 9. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Bluebird Web VH23-085-0021 10. S (VRL-00329) - Forever Yours Ion VH23-047-0030 11. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Arian Phantom VH23-085-0023 12. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Gerinant Fury VH23-085-0020 13. S (VRL-00329) - Drama King VH22-047-0014 14. S (VRL-00329) - Princely Drama Ion VH23-047-0022 15. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Natural Pearl VH23-085-0024 16. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Willow O'Wisp VH23-085-0015 17. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Gaiety Deracres VH23-085-0018 18. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Red Revelry VH23-085-0022 19. S (VRL-00329) - Dufferton Clayborne VH23-047-0034 20. S (VRL-00329) - Macklewich Such A Beauty VH23-047-0039 36. Fine Harness 1. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Capers Caveman VH23-085-0019 2. S (VRL-00329) - Albert Park Vicereine VH22-047-0007 3. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Perrywood Imogene VH23-085-0016 4. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Gaiety Deracres VH23-085-0018 5. S (VRL-00329) - Platinum Jubilee Ion VH23-047-0003 6. S (VRL-00329) - Princely Drama Ion VH23-047-0022 7. S (VRL-00329) - Drama King VH22-047-0014 8. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Gerinant Fury VH23-085-0020 9. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Bluebird Web VH23-085-0021 10. S (VRL-00329) - Craigfleet Final Touch VH22-047-0011 11. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Willow O'Wisp VH23-085-0015 12. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Arian Phantom VH23-085-0023 13. S (VRL-00329) - Last King Regent Ion VH23-047-0005 14. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Mirrolane Thunder VH23-085-0017 15. S (VRL-00329) - Macklewich Such A Beauty VH23-047-0039 16. S (VRL-00329) - Dufferton Clayborne VH23-047-0034 17. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Red Revelry VH23-085-0022 18. S (VRL-00329) - Marimin Ion VH22-047-0013 19. S (VRL-00329) - Forever Yours Ion VH23-047-0030 20. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Natural Pearl VH23-085-0024 37. Roadster 1. S (VRL-00329) - Browndale Enchantress VH23-047-0038 2. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Free Zone VH23-085-0025 3. S (VRL-00329) - Drama Drianna Ion VH23-047-0023 4. S (VRL-00329) - Never Yours Ion VH23-047-0031 5. aksu (VRL-00164) - Fflewdwr Snilli VH21-026-0058 6. S (VRL-00329) - Oldstead Cyclone VH23-047-0035 7. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Classic Magic Glow VH21-085-0025 8. S (VRL-00329) - Triskaidephobic Ion VH23-047-0002 9. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - PP's Tamkje VH19-040-0003 10. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Summer Love Glow VH21-085-0024 11. S (VRL-00329) - Ardcourt Golden Scotch VH22-047-0003 12. S (VRL-00329) - Good Story Ion VH23-047-0027 13. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Lonely Island's Baylee VH22-085-0033 14. S (VRL-00329) - Daleduff La-Di-Da VH22-047-0008 15. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Rainstorm Sun VH21-085-0031 16. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Skydancer's Magnolia VH22-085-0001 17. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Glenwood Caramel Latte VH21-022-0013 18. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Juwiel van Khim VH20-040-0148 19. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Furian Serena VH23-085-0028 20. S (VRL-00329) - La-La-Laser Ion VH23-047-0001 21. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Llygedyn Hwdwch VH21-026-0015 22. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Hwiangerdd VH21-026-0098 23. S (VRL-00329) - V. Barracuda VH21-047-0017 24. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Dicon Martha VH23-085-0027 25. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Peeron Amena VH23-085-0026 38. Roadster 1. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Juwiel van Khim VH20-040-0148 2. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Dicon Martha VH23-085-0027 3. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Peeron Amena VH23-085-0026 4. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Classic Magic Glow VH21-085-0025 5. S (VRL-00329) - Never Yours Ion VH23-047-0031 6. S (VRL-00329) - Triskaidephobic Ion VH23-047-0002 7. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Furian Serena VH23-085-0028 8. S (VRL-00329) - La-La-Laser Ion VH23-047-0001 9. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - PP's Tamkje VH19-040-0003 10. S (VRL-00329) - Browndale Enchantress VH23-047-0038 11. S (VRL-00329) - Daleduff La-Di-Da VH22-047-0008 12. S (VRL-00329) - Oldstead Cyclone VH23-047-0035 13. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Lonely Island's Baylee VH22-085-0033 14. aksu (VRL-00164) - Fflewdwr Snilli VH21-026-0058 15. S (VRL-00329) - Good Story Ion VH23-047-0027 16. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Glenwood Caramel Latte VH21-022-0013 17. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Free Zone VH23-085-0025 18. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Hwiangerdd VH21-026-0098 19. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Skydancer's Magnolia VH22-085-0001 20. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Llygedyn Hwdwch VH21-026-0015 21. S (VRL-00329) - V. Barracuda VH21-047-0017 22. S (VRL-00329) - Drama Drianna Ion VH23-047-0023 23. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Summer Love Glow VH21-085-0024 24. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Rainstorm Sun VH21-085-0031 25. S (VRL-00329) - Ardcourt Golden Scotch VH22-047-0003 39. Roadster 1. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Classic Magic Glow VH21-085-0025 2. S (VRL-00329) - V. Barracuda VH21-047-0017 3. S (VRL-00329) - Daleduff La-Di-Da VH22-047-0008 4. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Peeron Amena VH23-085-0026 5. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Lonely Island's Baylee VH22-085-0033 6. S (VRL-00329) - Ardcourt Golden Scotch VH22-047-0003 7. S (VRL-00329) - La-La-Laser Ion VH23-047-0001 8. S (VRL-00329) - Drama Drianna Ion VH23-047-0023 9. S (VRL-00329) - Browndale Enchantress VH23-047-0038 10. aksu (VRL-00164) - Fflewdwr Snilli VH21-026-0058 11. S (VRL-00329) - Oldstead Cyclone VH23-047-0035 12. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Summer Love Glow VH21-085-0024 13. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Llygedyn Hwdwch VH21-026-0015 14. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Rainstorm Sun VH21-085-0031 15. S (VRL-00329) - Triskaidephobic Ion VH23-047-0002 16. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - PP's Tamkje VH19-040-0003 17. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Juwiel van Khim VH20-040-0148 18. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Furian Serena VH23-085-0028 19. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Hwiangerdd VH21-026-0098 20. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Glenwood Caramel Latte VH21-022-0013 21. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Dicon Martha VH23-085-0027 22. S (VRL-00329) - Good Story Ion VH23-047-0027 23. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Skydancer's Magnolia VH22-085-0001 24. S (VRL-00329) - Never Yours Ion VH23-047-0031 25. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Free Zone VH23-085-0025