Lokakuun ARJ-Cup 31.10.2021

* Kilpailupaikka Ljóma (LJMA6940) / vastuuhenkilö Mari H (VRL-05704)
* Tulokset arvotaan lyhyellä arvonnalla arvontakoneella
* Kisat ovat ARJ:n alaiset

* Jokaiseen luokkaan otetaan rajattomasti osallistujia
* Yksi henkilö saa tuoda max. kymmenen (10) hevosta/luokka
* Yksi hevonen saa osallistua yhteensä kolmeen luokkaan, joka luokkaan yhden kerran ja vain yhteen saddleseat-/ajoryhmään
* 4-käyntinen islanninhevonen ei voi osallistua 5-käyntisten luokkiin ja toisinpäin
* Hevonen on kisaikäinen (islanninhevonen 6v, muut rodut 4v)
* Hevosen rotu löytyy Askellajiratsastusjaoksen rotulistalta
* Hevonen on startannut askellajikilpailuissa vähintään 2 kertaa, Cupiin mennessä luokista ei ole tarvinnut tulla tuloksia

* Ratsastajalta tulee löytyä VRL-tunnus, hevosen VH-numero on pakollinen
* Kilpailijan ei tarvitse kuulua mihinkään seuraan, mutta seuraan kuuluminen on suositeltavaa


* VIP 30.10.2021
* Sähköpostiin virtuaali.mari@gmail.com
* Otsikoksi: ARJ-Cup lokakuu
* Muoto:
Luokka nro [rivinvaihto] Ratsastaja (VRL-00000) - Hevonen VH00-000-0000

* Jos osallistut samalla kokoonpanolla useampaan luokkaan, laita luokka kohtaan kaikki kyseiset luokat. Esim:
Luokka nro 1,2 ja 3 [rivinvaihto]
Esimerkki Elli (VRL-00000) - Putte
Esimerkki Elli (VRL-00000) - Polle


1. Töltti T.1 (4-käynt isl)
2. 4-käynti V.1 (4-käynt isl)
3. Kouluratsastus FS1 (4-käynt isl)

4. 5-käynti F.1 (5-käynt isl)
5. Passikoe PP.1 (5-käynt isl)
6. Speedpassi P.2 (5-käynt isl)

7. Slow Gait (sdb & nsh)
8. Rack (sdb & nsh)
9. 5-käynti (sdb & nsh)

10. Nelitahtikäynti (twh)
11. Juoksukäynti (twh)
12. Keinutuolilaukka (twh)

13. 3-käynti (muut rodut kuin yo.)
14. 4-käynti (muut rodut kuin yo.)
15. 5-käynti (muut rodut kuin yo.)
16. Classic Pleasure
17. Classic Pleasure Driving
18. Classic Country Combination

19. Country Pleasure
20. Country Pleasure Driving
21. Country Combination

22. English Pleasure
23. English Pleasure Driving
24. Informal Combination

25. Show Pleasure
26. Show Pleasure Driving
27. Informal Show Combination

28. Park
29. Park Harness
30. Formal Combination
31. Pleasure Driving
32. Pleasure Driving
33. Pleasure Driving

34. Fine Harness
35. Fine Harness
36. Fine Harness

37. Roadster
38. Roadster
39. Roadster



1. Töltti T.1 (4-käynt isl) 1. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Elfa frá Syndur VH18-030-0039 2. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Skúfur frá Syndur VH17-030-0103 3. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Aradís frá Námys VH18-030-0125 4. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Elfur frá Delmenhorst VH21-030-0118 5. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Gjóna frá Trottúr VH18-030-0124 6. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Lína frá Syndur VH18-030-0139 7. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Gýrðir frá Trottúr VH18-030-0122 8. S (VRL-00329) - Nátthrafn frá Jón VH20-030-0072 9. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Svartur frá Trottúr VH18-030-0116 10. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Sólskríkja frá Syndur VH21-030-0028 11. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Þoka frá Trottúr VH18-030-0126 12. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Ræningi frá Hakifjall VH21-030-0007 13. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Gilla frá Eldórhjört VH21-030-0120 14. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Aðalfríður frá Svinavatn VH21-030-0119 15. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Mjaðveig frá Hafnir VH21-030-0010 16. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Álfur frá Gídeon VH21-030-0029 17. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Urta frá Syndur VH17-030-0150 18. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Barmur frá Ljóma VH21-030-0016 19. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Spæta frá Syndur VH18-030-0138 20. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Snædís frá Raufaryri VH21-030-0009 21. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Sámur frá Flókisgarður VH21-030-0008 2. 4-käynti V.1 (4-käynt isl) 1. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Brynja frá Trottúr VH18-030-0143 2. S (VRL-00329) - Nátthrafn frá Jón VH20-030-0072 3. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Hringja frá Trottúr VH21-030-0021 4. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Daufur frá Ljóma VH21-030-0024 5. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Baldur frá Trottúr VH21-030-0036 6. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Barmur frá Ljóma VH21-030-0016 7. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Ræningi frá Hakifjall VH21-030-0007 8. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Snædís frá Raufaryri VH21-030-0009 9. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Dekkja frá Gídeon VH21-030-0030 10. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Blíða frá Trottúr VH21-030-0020 11. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Sámur frá Flókisgarður VH21-030-0008 12. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Æringa frá Brúndsvik VH21-030-0048 13. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Birta frá Trottúr VH21-030-0034 14. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Mjaðveig frá Hafnir VH21-030-0010 15. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Aðalfríður frá Svinavatn VH21-030-0119 16. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Gilla frá Eldórhjört VH21-030-0120 17. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Elfa frá Syndur VH18-030-0039 18. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Elfur frá Delmenhorst VH21-030-0118 19. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Brúnskjóna frá Aukyréyr VH21-030-0047 20. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Sólskríkja frá Syndur VH21-030-0028 21. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Glossi frá Trottúr VH21-030-0051 3. Kouluratsastus FS1 (4-käynt isl) 1. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Skúfur frá Syndur VH17-030-0103 2. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Barmur frá Ljóma VH21-030-0016 3. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Elfa frá Syndur VH18-030-0039 4. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Gjóna frá Trottúr VH18-030-0124 5. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Svartur frá Trottúr VH18-030-0116 6. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Leira frá Trottúr VH21-030-0044 7. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Gýrðir frá Trottúr VH18-030-0122 8. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Ræningi frá Hakifjall VH21-030-0007 9. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Aðalfríður frá Svinavatn VH21-030-0119 10. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Náttdís frá Trottúr VH21-030-0031 11. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Aradís frá Námys VH18-030-0125 12. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Elfur frá Delmenhorst VH21-030-0118 13. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Urta frá Syndur VH17-030-0150 14. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Sólskríkja frá Syndur VH21-030-0028 15. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Snædís frá Raufaryri VH21-030-0009 16. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Gilla frá Eldórhjört VH21-030-0120 17. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Sámur frá Flókisgarður VH21-030-0008 18. S (VRL-00329) - Nátthrafn frá Jón VH20-030-0072 19. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Þoka frá Trottúr VH18-030-0126 20. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Þruma frá Trottúr VH21-030-0045 21. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Mjaðveig frá Hafnir VH21-030-0010 4. 5-käynti F.1 (5-käynt isl) 1. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Duvká frá Rokjen VH13-030-0111 2. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Dalla frá Ljóma VH20-030-0033 3. S (VRL-00329) - Draupnir frá Ljóma VH21-030-0158 4. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Indriði frá Falinndalur VH21-030-0122 5. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Ásgeir frá Ingvaldvík VH21-030-0116 6. Vibaja (VRL-00727) - Bragur frá Laekur VH21-030-0081 7. S (VRL-00329) - Fjölsvinnur frá Jón VH20-030-0071 8. S (VRL-00329) - Blástur frá Jón VH20-030-0070 9. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Láretta frá Bifsóns VH21-030-0117 10. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Loðsa frá Syndur VH14-030-0046 11. S (VRL-00329) - Glymmérei frá Jón VH20-030-0077 12. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Múskur frá Syndur VH17-030-0063 13. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Dugga frá Angren VH20-030-0058 14. S (VRL-00329) - Snerpir frá Jón VH20-030-0073 15. Vibaja (VRL-00727) - Gálmur frá Elfendur VH12-030-0124 16. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Ímnir frá Húsavík VH20-030-0047 17. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Örvar Oddur frá Syndur VH18-030-0114 18. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Grípur frá Ljóma VH13-030-0110 19. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Ísbjörg frá Konunglegur VH21-030-0121 20. S (VRL-00329) - Tvenna frá Ljóma VH21-030-0080 21. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Brenna frá Ljóma VH13-030-0094 22. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Heimir frá Tvistur VH13-030-0109 23. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Rauðinúpur frá Syndur VH17-030-0098 24. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Gleisir frá Ljóma VH13-030-0091 25. S (VRL-00329) - Baldintáta frá Jón VH20-030-0074 26. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Skroppa frá Angren VH21-030-0015 27. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Skjanni frá Trottúr VH18-030-0127 28. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Iðunn frá Trottúr VH18-030-0117 29. Vibaja (VRL-00727) - Trólle frá Geitungur VH11-030-0024 30. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Tinna frá Ljóma VH20-030-0034 31. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Hrapi frá Syndur VH17-030-0105 32. S (VRL-00329) - Frostrós frá Jón VH20-030-0076 33. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Sletta frá Málfetiri VH18-030-0121 34. S (VRL-00329) - Eldur VH16-030-0075 35. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Galsi frá Far gone Ice VH17-030-0002 36. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Seifur frá Dáltur VH12-030-0239 37. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Perla frá Hryjuhólti VH06-030-7037 38. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Flekkur frá Trottúr VH18-030-0123 39. S (VRL-00329) - Skeiðfaxi frá Jón VH18-030-0003 40. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Hrímur frá Trottúr VH18-030-0007 5. Passikoe PP.1 (5-käynt isl) 1. Vibaja (VRL-00727) - Gálmur frá Elfendur VH12-030-0124 2. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Hrímfaxi frá Trottúr VH21-030-0019 3. S (VRL-00329) - Glymmérei frá Jón VH20-030-0077 4. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Fjalla-Skjóni frá Trottúr VH21-030-0035 5. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Loðsa frá Syndur VH14-030-0046 6. S (VRL-00329) - Eldur VH16-030-0075 7. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Grípur frá Ljóma VH13-030-0110 8. Vibaja (VRL-00727) - Bragur frá Laekur VH21-030-0081 9. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Ísbjörg frá Konunglegur VH21-030-0121 10. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Tinna frá Ljóma VH20-030-0034 11. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Skroppa frá Angren VH21-030-0015 12. S (VRL-00329) - Baldintáta frá Jón VH20-030-0074 13. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Ásgeir frá Ingvaldvík VH21-030-0116 14. S (VRL-00329) - Draupnir frá Ljóma VH21-030-0158 15. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Eldvör frá Heistrfækí VH21-030-0041 16. S (VRL-00329) - Skeiðfaxi frá Jón VH18-030-0003 17. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Oddrún frá Jón VH21-030-0033 18. Vibaja (VRL-00727) - Trólle frá Geitungur VH11-030-0024 19. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Glyðra frá Trottúr VH18-030-0131 20. S (VRL-00329) - Fjölsvinnur frá Jón VH20-030-0071 21. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Skarði frá Syndur VH18-030-0137 22. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Láretta frá Bifsóns VH21-030-0117 23. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Dalla frá Ljóma VH20-030-0033 24. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Gleisir frá Ljóma VH13-030-0091 25. S (VRL-00329) - Snerpir frá Jón VH20-030-0073 26. S (VRL-00329) - Frostrós frá Jón VH20-030-0076 27. S (VRL-00329) - Tvenna frá Ljóma VH21-030-0080 28. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Brenna frá Ljóma VH13-030-0094 29. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Duvká frá Rokjen VH13-030-0111 30. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Dugga frá Angren VH20-030-0058 31. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Indriði frá Falinndalur VH21-030-0122 32. S (VRL-00329) - Blástur frá Jón VH20-030-0070 33. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Ímnir frá Húsavík VH20-030-0047 34. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Títla frá Ljóma VH21-030-0022 35. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Skriður frá Jón VH21-030-0032 36. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Hávar frá Molðabrekkú VH21-030-0039 37. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Seifur frá Dáltur VH12-030-0239 38. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Galsi frá Far gone Ice VH17-030-0002 39. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Heimir frá Tvistur VH13-030-0109 40. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Moldskjóni frá Trottúr VH21-030-0025 6. Speedpassi P.2 (5-käynt isl) 1. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Vingur frá Tjórnholti VH21-030-0040 2. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Iðunn frá Trottúr VH18-030-0117 3. S (VRL-00329) - Blástur frá Jón VH20-030-0070 4. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Loðsa frá Syndur VH14-030-0046 5. S (VRL-00329) - Glymmérei frá Jón VH20-030-0077 6. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Grípur frá Ljóma VH13-030-0110 7. Vibaja (VRL-00727) - Gálmur frá Elfendur VH12-030-0124 8. S (VRL-00329) - Tvenna frá Ljóma VH21-030-0080 9. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Perla frá Hryjuhólti VH06-030-7037 10. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Dalla frá Ljóma VH20-030-0033 11. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Seifur frá Dáltur VH12-030-0239 12. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Heimir frá Tvistur VH13-030-0109 13. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Tinna frá Ljóma VH20-030-0034 14. S (VRL-00329) - Eldur VH16-030-0075 15. S (VRL-00329) - Fjölsvinnur frá Jón VH20-030-0071 16. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Ásgeir frá Ingvaldvík VH21-030-0116 17. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Skroppa frá Angren VH21-030-0015 18. S (VRL-00329) - Draupnir frá Ljóma VH21-030-0158 19. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Ímnir frá Húsavík VH20-030-0047 20. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Dugga frá Angren VH20-030-0058 21. Vibaja (VRL-00727) - Bragur frá Laekur VH21-030-0081 22. S (VRL-00329) - Skeiðfaxi frá Jón VH18-030-0003 23. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Rauðinúpur frá Syndur VH17-030-0098 24. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Múskur frá Syndur VH17-030-0063 25. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Duvká frá Rokjen VH13-030-0111 26. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Hrímur frá Trottúr VH18-030-0007 27. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Eirikúr frá Steínelofí VH21-030-0042 28. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Indriði frá Falinndalur VH21-030-0122 29. S (VRL-00329) - Baldintáta frá Jón VH20-030-0074 30. S (VRL-00329) - Snerpir frá Jón VH20-030-0073 31. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Saga frá Kalhábleis VH21-030-0049 32. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Röskur frá Fáhlbreikú VH21-030-0050 33. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Brenna frá Ljóma VH13-030-0094 34. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Gleisir frá Ljóma VH13-030-0091 35. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Gríma frá Rósgarður VH21-030-0043 36. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Ísbjörg frá Konunglegur VH21-030-0121 37. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Láretta frá Bifsóns VH21-030-0117 38. Vibaja (VRL-00727) - Trólle frá Geitungur VH11-030-0024 39. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Galsi frá Far gone Ice VH17-030-0002 40. S (VRL-00329) - Frostrós frá Jón VH20-030-0076 7. Slow Gait (sdb & nsh) 1. S (VRL-00329) - Saturday Amour Glow VH20-016-0040 2. S (VRL-00329) - Gamma Ray Burst Ion VH18-016-0005 3. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Paxton Glow VH20-078-0024 4. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Blue Lord VH20-016-0075 5. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Exclusive Norm VH20-016-0074 6. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - HWA Mechanical Assasin VH14-016-0057 7. Mari H (VRL-05704) - CHR Dantálion VH21-016-0006 8. S (VRL-00329) - Blake Hayes Ion VH15-016-0031 9. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Fierce Dragonborn Glow VH20-078-0027 10. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Craston Sweet VH20-016-0081 11. S (VRL-00329) - Dream Valentino GA VH18-016-0003 12. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Avertis VH20-016-0078 13. S (VRL-00329) - Dusty Creek King GA VH18-016-0004 14. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Angren Absolute Madness VH19-016-0002 15. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Angren Dragonfly VH20-016-0066 16. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Angren Fangtastic VH20-078-0025 17. S (VRL-00329) - Brooklyn Gangster Glow VH20-016-0083 18. S (VRL-00329) - Aogashima Ion VH18-016-0009 19. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Flaming Thistle VH20-016-0079 20. S (VRL-00329) - Clarke Garrison Ion VH16-016-0208 21. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Angren Absolution VH21-016-0001 22. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Angren Tea Time VH20-016-0065 23. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Angren Angelus VH21-078-0015 24. Vibaja (VRL-00727) - Alerio BRN VH16-078-0006 25. S (VRL-00329) - Anodajay Ion VH18-016-0002 26. S (VRL-00329) - Garland On Top GA VH18-016-0006 27. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Angren Nitram VH20-016-0067 8. Rack (sdb & nsh) 1. S (VRL-00329) - Garland On Top GA VH18-016-0006 2. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Avertis VH20-016-0078 3. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Fierce Dragonborn Glow VH20-078-0027 4. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Angren Angelus VH21-078-0015 5. S (VRL-00329) - Dream Valentino GA VH18-016-0003 6. S (VRL-00329) - Saturday Amour Glow VH20-016-0040 7. S (VRL-00329) - Blake Hayes Ion VH15-016-0031 8. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Angren Tea Time VH20-016-0065 9. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - HWA Mechanical Assasin VH14-016-0057 10. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Exclusive Norm VH20-016-0074 11. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Paxton Glow VH20-078-0024 12. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Angren Absolute Madness VH19-016-0002 13. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Angren Nitram VH20-016-0067 14. Vibaja (VRL-00727) - Alerio BRN VH16-078-0006 15. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Angren Absolution VH21-016-0001 16. S (VRL-00329) - Dusty Creek King GA VH18-016-0004 17. S (VRL-00329) - Clarke Garrison Ion VH16-016-0208 18. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Angren Dragonfly VH20-016-0066 19. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Blue Lord VH20-016-0075 20. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Flaming Thistle VH20-016-0079 21. S (VRL-00329) - Brooklyn Gangster Glow VH20-016-0083 22. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Craston Sweet VH20-016-0081 23. S (VRL-00329) - Gamma Ray Burst Ion VH18-016-0005 24. S (VRL-00329) - Anodajay Ion VH18-016-0002 25. S (VRL-00329) - Aogashima Ion VH18-016-0009 26. Mari H (VRL-05704) - CHR Dantálion VH21-016-0006 27. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Angren Fangtastic VH20-078-0025 9. 5-käynti (sdb & nsh) 1. S (VRL-00329) - Clarke Garrison Ion VH16-016-0208 2. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Angren Tea Time VH20-016-0065 3. S (VRL-00329) - Garland On Top GA VH18-016-0006 4. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Angren Angelus VH21-078-0015 5. S (VRL-00329) - Saturday Amour Glow VH20-016-0040 6. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Angren Absolute Madness VH19-016-0002 7. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Blue Lord VH20-016-0075 8. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Flaming Thistle VH20-016-0079 9. Mari H (VRL-05704) - CHR Dantálion VH21-016-0006 10. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Angren Absolution VH21-016-0001 11. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Exclusive Norm VH20-016-0074 12. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Paxton Glow VH20-078-0024 13. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Avertis VH20-016-0078 14. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Angren Dragonfly VH20-016-0066 15. S (VRL-00329) - Gamma Ray Burst Ion VH18-016-0005 16. Vibaja (VRL-00727) - Alerio BRN VH16-078-0006 17. S (VRL-00329) - Anodajay Ion VH18-016-0002 18. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Angren Nitram VH20-016-0067 19. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Craston Sweet VH20-016-0081 20. S (VRL-00329) - Dream Valentino GA VH18-016-0003 21. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - HWA Mechanical Assasin VH14-016-0057 22. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Fierce Dragonborn Glow VH20-078-0027 23. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Angren Fangtastic VH20-078-0025 24. S (VRL-00329) - Brooklyn Gangster Glow VH20-016-0083 25. S (VRL-00329) - Dusty Creek King GA VH18-016-0004 26. S (VRL-00329) - Blake Hayes Ion VH15-016-0031 27. S (VRL-00329) - Aogashima Ion VH18-016-0009 10. Nelitahtikäynti (twh) 1. S (VRL-00329) - Velma Kelly Ion VH18-019-0009 2. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Angren Six Feet Under VH20-019-0064 3. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Angren Romantique VH20-019-0062 4. S (VRL-00329) - Hazard's Keira VH17-019-0098 5. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Moonlight Shadow DLHS VH20-019-0029 6. S (VRL-00329) - Agent Jay Ion VH20-019-0033 7. S (VRL-00329) - Hazard's Love Like Cyanide VH21-019-0043 8. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Hazard's Roxanne VH20-019-0028 9. S (VRL-00329) - Yes Sir Ion VH17-019-0073 10. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Angren Dream On VH20-019-0063 11. S (VRL-00329) - Hazard's Philadelphia VH16-019-0041 12. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Dying 2Nite Delm VH21-019-0019 13. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Angren Wiccan Rede VH20-019-0061 14. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Liberty Seeker VH20-019-0077 15. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Gloriam VH20-019-0070 16. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Hazard's Lucky Impling VH17-019-0060 17. Mari H (VRL-05704) - No Action VH20-019-0068 18. S (VRL-00329) - Yes But No Ion VH20-019-0050 19. S (VRL-00329) - Unbleached Silk Ion VH21-019-0041 20. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Enable Love VH20-019-0076 21. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Moon of Arizona VH21-019-0011 22. Tinu (VRL-05594) - DD Nektaria VH21-019-0047 23. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Hazard's Arctic Monkey VH20-019-0027 24. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Sunset Ballade Glow VH20-019-0081 25. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Overrule VH20-019-0072 26. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Sannazaro Glow VH20-019-0079 27. S (VRL-00329) - To Be Harmless Ion VH17-019-0072 28. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Angren Sol Invictus VH21-019-0001 29. Mari H (VRL-05704) - CHR Inflict Doesca VH21-019-0012 30. S (VRL-00329) - Hazard's Pennsylvania VH17-019-0105 11. Juoksukäynti (twh) 1. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Overrule VH20-019-0072 2. S (VRL-00329) - Yes But No Ion VH20-019-0050 3. S (VRL-00329) - Hazard's Keira VH17-019-0098 4. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Moonlight Shadow DLHS VH20-019-0029 5. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Angren Romantique VH20-019-0062 6. S (VRL-00329) - Yes Sir Ion VH17-019-0073 7. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Sunset Ballade Glow VH20-019-0081 8. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Gloriam VH20-019-0070 9. S (VRL-00329) - Hazard's Pennsylvania VH17-019-0105 10. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Hazard's Arctic Monkey VH20-019-0027 11. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Angren Dream On VH20-019-0063 12. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Hazard's Roxanne VH20-019-0028 13. S (VRL-00329) - Hazard's Love Like Cyanide VH21-019-0043 14. Mari H (VRL-05704) - CHR Inflict Doesca VH21-019-0012 15. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Dying 2Nite Delm VH21-019-0019 16. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Enable Love VH20-019-0076 17. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Liberty Seeker VH20-019-0077 18. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Sannazaro Glow VH20-019-0079 19. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Hazard's Lucky Impling VH17-019-0060 20. Tinu (VRL-05594) - DD Nektaria VH21-019-0047 21. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Angren Six Feet Under VH20-019-0064 22. S (VRL-00329) - Agent Jay Ion VH20-019-0033 23. S (VRL-00329) - Velma Kelly Ion VH18-019-0009 24. S (VRL-00329) - Hazard's Philadelphia VH16-019-0041 25. S (VRL-00329) - To Be Harmless Ion VH17-019-0072 26. S (VRL-00329) - Unbleached Silk Ion VH21-019-0041 27. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Angren Wiccan Rede VH20-019-0061 28. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Moon of Arizona VH21-019-0011 29. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Angren Sol Invictus VH21-019-0001 30. Mari H (VRL-05704) - No Action VH20-019-0068 12. Keinutuolilaukka (twh) 1. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Moon of Arizona VH21-019-0011 2. Tinu (VRL-05594) - DD Nektaria VH21-019-0047 3. S (VRL-00329) - To Be Harmless Ion VH17-019-0072 4. S (VRL-00329) - Hazard's Philadelphia VH16-019-0041 5. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Enable Love VH20-019-0076 6. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Hazard's Roxanne VH20-019-0028 7. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Overrule VH20-019-0072 8. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Gloriam VH20-019-0070 9. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Dying 2Nite Delm VH21-019-0019 10. Mari H (VRL-05704) - No Action VH20-019-0068 11. S (VRL-00329) - Hazard's Keira VH17-019-0098 12. S (VRL-00329) - Velma Kelly Ion VH18-019-0009 13. S (VRL-00329) - Agent Jay Ion VH20-019-0033 14. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Angren Dream On VH20-019-0063 15. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Angren Sol Invictus VH21-019-0001 16. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Hazard's Lucky Impling VH17-019-0060 17. S (VRL-00329) - Hazard's Pennsylvania VH17-019-0105 18. S (VRL-00329) - Yes But No Ion VH20-019-0050 19. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Angren Six Feet Under VH20-019-0064 20. S (VRL-00329) - Unbleached Silk Ion VH21-019-0041 21. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Angren Wiccan Rede VH20-019-0061 22. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Angren Romantique VH20-019-0062 23. Mari H (VRL-05704) - CHR Inflict Doesca VH21-019-0012 24. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Liberty Seeker VH20-019-0077 25. S (VRL-00329) - Hazard's Love Like Cyanide VH21-019-0043 26. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Sannazaro Glow VH20-019-0079 27. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Sunset Ballade Glow VH20-019-0081 28. S (VRL-00329) - Yes Sir Ion VH17-019-0073 29. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Moonlight Shadow DLHS VH20-019-0029 30. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Hazard's Arctic Monkey VH20-019-0027 13. 3-käynti (muut rodut kuin yo.) 1. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Estrela VH14-082-0005 2. S (VRL-00329) - Beau Wilkes Ion VH14-009-0026 3. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Lighthearthed Ion VH20-072-0048 4. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Platinum Tornado Ion VH20-072-0047 5. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Amanda RDJ VH18-082-0004 6. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Angren Adelina VH18-082-0005 7. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Luciana RDJ VH18-082-0003 8. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Tiago VH14-082-0011 9. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Making Mayhem VH20-072-0049 10. S (VRL-00329) - Fortran Ion VH14-009-0030 11. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Quimera VH20-067-0025 12. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Dallas Frontier VH20-072-0050 13. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Brandeye VH20-067-0041 14. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Angren Salomão VH18-082-0010 15. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Angren Bartolomeu VH20-082-0003 16. S (VRL-00329) - GCR's Solid Gold VH21-009-0012 17. S (VRL-00329) - Harmattan Ion VH14-009-0006 18. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Angren Boaventura VH18-082-0007 19. S (VRL-00329) - Fitzgerald Ion VH14-009-0029 20. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Derien Feya B VH20-072-0053 21. S (VRL-00329) - Fairglen's Amigo B. VH21-009-0011 22. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Rocha de Firmeza VH21-082-0002 23. S (VRL-00329) - GCR's Steel Sam VH21-009-0079 24. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Angren Thiago VH20-082-0004 25. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Ironsky Ion VH17-072-0005 26. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Old Rose Blues VH20-072-0051 27. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Maverick VH21-072-0009 28. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Angren Moon Tear VH21-009-0001 29. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Delta Dawn Jolene VH20-072-0052 30. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Yankee Kid VH20-072-0005 31. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Diamond Dust Delm VH20-072-0054 32. S (VRL-00329) - Cafe Au Lait Ion VH14-009-0027 33. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Cinza da Cristalina VH15-082-0001 34. Tinu (VRL-05594) - PP's Tacito VH18-082-0006 35. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Bang Bang VH21-072-0010 36. S (VRL-00329) - Full Breeze Ion VH13-009-0016 37. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Glademist Celestial Moon VH21-072-0011 38. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Delmara Glow VH21-072-0007 39. S (VRL-00329) - Harmless Fun Ion VH21-009-0014 40. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Glademist Templeton VH21-072-0006 14. 4-käynti (muut rodut kuin yo.) 1. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Rocha de Firmeza VH21-082-0002 2. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Glademist Templeton VH21-072-0006 3. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Amanda RDJ VH18-082-0004 4. Tinu (VRL-05594) - PP's Tacito VH18-082-0006 5. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Angren Bartolomeu VH20-082-0003 6. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Old Rose Blues VH20-072-0051 7. S (VRL-00329) - Full Breeze Ion VH13-009-0016 8. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Angren Salomão VH18-082-0010 9. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Lighthearthed Ion VH20-072-0048 10. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Brandeye VH20-067-0041 11. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Derien Feya B VH20-072-0053 12. S (VRL-00329) - GCR's Solid Gold VH21-009-0012 13. S (VRL-00329) - Harmattan Ion VH14-009-0006 14. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Diamond Dust Delm VH20-072-0054 15. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Angren Adelina VH18-082-0005 16. S (VRL-00329) - Beau Wilkes Ion VH14-009-0026 17. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Tiago VH14-082-0011 18. S (VRL-00329) - Fortran Ion VH14-009-0030 19. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Glademist Celestial Moon VH21-072-0011 20. S (VRL-00329) - Fairglen's Amigo B. VH21-009-0011 21. S (VRL-00329) - Cafe Au Lait Ion VH14-009-0027 22. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Angren Boaventura VH18-082-0007 23. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Making Mayhem VH20-072-0049 24. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Luciana RDJ VH18-082-0003 25. S (VRL-00329) - Fitzgerald Ion VH14-009-0029 26. S (VRL-00329) - Harmless Fun Ion VH21-009-0014 27. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Delmara Glow VH21-072-0007 28. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Ironsky Ion VH17-072-0005 29. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Estrela VH14-082-0005 30. S (VRL-00329) - GCR's Steel Sam VH21-009-0079 31. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Delta Dawn Jolene VH20-072-0052 32. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Dallas Frontier VH20-072-0050 33. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Yankee Kid VH20-072-0005 34. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Maverick VH21-072-0009 35. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Angren Moon Tear VH21-009-0001 36. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Platinum Tornado Ion VH20-072-0047 37. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Quimera VH20-067-0025 38. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Cinza da Cristalina VH15-082-0001 39. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Bang Bang VH21-072-0010 40. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Angren Thiago VH20-082-0004 15. 5-käynti (muut rodut kuin yo.) 1. S (VRL-00329) - Fortran Ion VH14-009-0030 2. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Ironsky Ion VH17-072-0005 3. S (VRL-00329) - Harmless Fun Ion VH21-009-0014 4. S (VRL-00329) - Fairglen's Amigo B. VH21-009-0011 5. S (VRL-00329) - Harmattan Ion VH14-009-0006 6. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Bang Bang VH21-072-0010 7. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Quimera VH20-067-0025 8. S (VRL-00329) - Full Breeze Ion VH13-009-0016 9. S (VRL-00329) - Cafe Au Lait Ion VH14-009-0027 10. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Yankee Kid VH20-072-0005 11. S (VRL-00329) - Fitzgerald Ion VH14-009-0029 12. S (VRL-00329) - GCR's Solid Gold VH21-009-0012 13. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Cinza da Cristalina VH15-082-0001 14. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Maverick VH21-072-0009 15. S (VRL-00329) - GCR's Steel Sam VH21-009-0079 16. S (VRL-00329) - Beau Wilkes Ion VH14-009-0026 17. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Rocha de Firmeza VH21-082-0002 18. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Tiago VH14-082-0011 19. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Glademist Celestial Moon VH21-072-0011 20. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Brandeye VH20-067-0041


16. Classic Pleasure 1. S (VRL-00329) - Darjeeling Ion VH15-009-0001 2. S (VRL-00329) - Nickelodeon Ion VH15-009-0003 3. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Ophiuchus VH20-072-0043 4. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - June Beetle Ion VH21-009-0003 5. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Angren Little Miss Nobody VH20-009-0018 6. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Destination Anywhere VH20-059-0057 7. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Mahir ox VH20-003-0197 8. S (VRL-00329) - Bluegrass King GA VH16-009-0002 9. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Prairie Fire Ion VH21-009-0002 10. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Mustang's Poison Kiss VH17-072-0018 11. S (VRL-00329) - Portland Ion VH15-009-0031 12. Tinu (VRL-05594) - DD Wenonah VH20-244-0010 13. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Negroni VH18-178-0006 14. S (VRL-00329) - Atari Ion VH16-009-0001 15. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Against All Asylum VH11-059-0008 16. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Angren Socorro VH20-033-0034 17. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Touch of Perfection VH20-019-0074 18. S (VRL-00329) - Helion Ion VH19-009-0004 19. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Belshazzar VH20-072-0044 20. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Angren Poison Girl VH20-072-0029 21. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Telemakhos Glow VH20-059-0068 22. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Blond Ambition VH20-059-0059 23. Vibaja (VRL-00727) - Flashlight Glow VH20-059-0052 24. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Lunar Odyssey VH20-059-0016 25. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Deep Impact VH17-019-0065 26. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Angren Lesleigh VH18-009-0013 27. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Sunshine Blond Ion VH17-072-0003 28. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Get Your Guns VH20-059-0058 29. S (VRL-00329) - Napster Ion VH16-009-0005 30. S (VRL-00329) - AppleScript Ion VH12-009-0040 31. S (VRL-00329) - Coffeine Addict Ion VH15-009-0027 32. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Lipstick Lies Delm VH19-019-0001 33. S (VRL-00329) - Linker Ion VH19-009-0001 17. Classic Pleasure Driving 1. S (VRL-00329) - Napster Ion VH16-009-0005 2. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Angren Little Miss Nobody VH20-009-0018 3. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Telemakhos Glow VH20-059-0068 4. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Lipstick Lies Delm VH19-019-0001 5. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Mahir ox VH20-003-0197 6. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Ophiuchus VH20-072-0043 7. S (VRL-00329) - Portland Ion VH15-009-0031 8. S (VRL-00329) - Bluegrass King GA VH16-009-0002 9. S (VRL-00329) - Helion Ion VH19-009-0004 10. S (VRL-00329) - Nickelodeon Ion VH15-009-0003 11. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Deep Impact VH17-019-0065 12. Tinu (VRL-05594) - DD Wenonah VH20-244-0010 13. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Get Your Guns VH20-059-0058 14. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Sunshine Blond Ion VH17-072-0003 15. S (VRL-00329) - Atari Ion VH16-009-0001 16. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Angren Socorro VH20-033-0034 17. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Mustang's Poison Kiss VH17-072-0018 18. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Destination Anywhere VH20-059-0057 19. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - June Beetle Ion VH21-009-0003 20. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Against All Asylum VH11-059-0008 21. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Angren Poison Girl VH20-072-0029 22. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Blond Ambition VH20-059-0059 23. Vibaja (VRL-00727) - Flashlight Glow VH20-059-0052 24. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Touch of Perfection VH20-019-0074 25. S (VRL-00329) - Coffeine Addict Ion VH15-009-0027 26. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Lunar Odyssey VH20-059-0016 27. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Prairie Fire Ion VH21-009-0002 28. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Belshazzar VH20-072-0044 29. S (VRL-00329) - Linker Ion VH19-009-0001 30. S (VRL-00329) - AppleScript Ion VH12-009-0040 31. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Negroni VH18-178-0006 32. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Angren Lesleigh VH18-009-0013 33. S (VRL-00329) - Darjeeling Ion VH15-009-0001 18. Classic Country Combination 1. S (VRL-00329) - Darjeeling Ion VH15-009-0001 2. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Angren Poison Girl VH20-072-0029 3. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Prairie Fire Ion VH21-009-0002 4. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Sunshine Blond Ion VH17-072-0003 5. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Get Your Guns VH20-059-0058 6. S (VRL-00329) - Nickelodeon Ion VH15-009-0003 7. Vibaja (VRL-00727) - Flashlight Glow VH20-059-0052 8. S (VRL-00329) - Helion Ion VH19-009-0004 9. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Deep Impact VH17-019-0065 10. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Touch of Perfection VH20-019-0074 11. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Telemakhos Glow VH20-059-0068 12. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - June Beetle Ion VH21-009-0003 13. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Destination Anywhere VH20-059-0057 14. S (VRL-00329) - AppleScript Ion VH12-009-0040 15. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Negroni VH18-178-0006 16. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Lunar Odyssey VH20-059-0016 17. S (VRL-00329) - Napster Ion VH16-009-0005 18. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Against All Asylum VH11-059-0008 19. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Blond Ambition VH20-059-0059 20. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Ophiuchus VH20-072-0043 21. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Mahir ox VH20-003-0197 22. S (VRL-00329) - Portland Ion VH15-009-0031 23. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Angren Socorro VH20-033-0034 24. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Belshazzar VH20-072-0044 25. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Angren Little Miss Nobody VH20-009-0018 26. S (VRL-00329) - Atari Ion VH16-009-0001 27. S (VRL-00329) - Bluegrass King GA VH16-009-0002 28. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Lipstick Lies Delm VH19-019-0001 29. Tinu (VRL-05594) - DD Wenonah VH20-244-0010 30. S (VRL-00329) - Coffeine Addict Ion VH15-009-0027 31. S (VRL-00329) - Linker Ion VH19-009-0001 32. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Angren Lesleigh VH18-009-0013 33. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Mustang's Poison Kiss VH17-072-0018 19. Country Pleasure 1. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Eoforhild Glow VH20-072-0056 2. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Sleeping Beast Glow VH20-072-0042 3. S (VRL-00329) - Black Russian Ion VH15-009-0018 4. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Angren Foxtrot VH17-059-0013 5. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Everild VH20-072-0046 6. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Ibn Sheitan VH18-003-0243 7. S (VRL-00329) - Black Racketeer Ion VH20-009-0003 8. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Boomshakalaka VH20-016-0077 9. S (VRL-00329) - Mangas Coloradas Ion VH16-009-0004 10. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Silver Tear Hazard VH18-009-0019 11. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Angren Kenway VH18-072-0010 12. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Brooklyn Queen Hazard VH20-016-0037 13. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Rocky Mountain's Sputnik VH05-009-8341 14. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Glorinda VH20-072-0045 15. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Gemstone Jewel AET VH02-058-4826 16. S (VRL-00329) - Moonlit Jody Ion VH21-009-0038 17. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Holiday Jingle VH20-019-0075 18. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Tianna Glow VH21-072-0005 19. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Akilah Glow VH21-003-0092 20. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Ramya Whisker VH14-009-0023 21. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Samstown's War Zone VH18-059-0022 22. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Autumn Sun VH17-019-0020 23. S (VRL-00329) - Billie Jean Ion VH16-009-0023 24. S (VRL-00329) - Back In Sixties Ion VH15-009-0016 25. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Glademist Glory Be VH21-072-0027 26. S (VRL-00329) - Amiga Ion VH16-009-0008 27. S (VRL-00329) - Xojo Ion VH16-009-0007 28. S (VRL-00329) - Baroness Ion VH15-009-0004 29. S (VRL-00329) - Regime's Oddjob GA VH15-009-0021 30. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Nestevaeph VH20-059-0064 20. Country Pleasure Driving 1. S (VRL-00329) - Amiga Ion VH16-009-0008 2. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Glorinda VH20-072-0045 3. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Nestevaeph VH20-059-0064 4. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Holiday Jingle VH20-019-0075 5. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Silver Tear Hazard VH18-009-0019 6. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Ibn Sheitan VH18-003-0243 7. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Ramya Whisker VH14-009-0023 8. S (VRL-00329) - Baroness Ion VH15-009-0004 9. S (VRL-00329) - Xojo Ion VH16-009-0007 10. S (VRL-00329) - Billie Jean Ion VH16-009-0023 11. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Glademist Glory Be VH21-072-0027 12. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Everild VH20-072-0046 13. S (VRL-00329) - Regime's Oddjob GA VH15-009-0021 14. S (VRL-00329) - Mangas Coloradas Ion VH16-009-0004 15. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Autumn Sun VH17-019-0020 16. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Akilah Glow VH21-003-0092 17. S (VRL-00329) - Black Russian Ion VH15-009-0018 18. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Angren Foxtrot VH17-059-0013 19. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Boomshakalaka VH20-016-0077 20. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Angren Kenway VH18-072-0010 21. S (VRL-00329) - Back In Sixties Ion VH15-009-0016 22. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Tianna Glow VH21-072-0005 23. S (VRL-00329) - Black Racketeer Ion VH20-009-0003 24. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Sleeping Beast Glow VH20-072-0042 25. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Rocky Mountain's Sputnik VH05-009-8341 26. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Samstown's War Zone VH18-059-0022 27. S (VRL-00329) - Moonlit Jody Ion VH21-009-0038 28. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Brooklyn Queen Hazard VH20-016-0037 29. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Eoforhild Glow VH20-072-0056 30. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Gemstone Jewel AET VH02-058-4826 21. Country Combination 1. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Sleeping Beast Glow VH20-072-0042 2. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Glorinda VH20-072-0045 3. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Rocky Mountain's Sputnik VH05-009-8341 4. S (VRL-00329) - Billie Jean Ion VH16-009-0023 5. S (VRL-00329) - Regime's Oddjob GA VH15-009-0021 6. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Samstown's War Zone VH18-059-0022 7. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Everild VH20-072-0046 8. S (VRL-00329) - Black Russian Ion VH15-009-0018 9. S (VRL-00329) - Baroness Ion VH15-009-0004 10. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Angren Foxtrot VH17-059-0013 11. S (VRL-00329) - Black Racketeer Ion VH20-009-0003 12. S (VRL-00329) - Moonlit Jody Ion VH21-009-0038 13. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Tianna Glow VH21-072-0005 14. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Boomshakalaka VH20-016-0077 15. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Angren Kenway VH18-072-0010 16. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Silver Tear Hazard VH18-009-0019 17. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Eoforhild Glow VH20-072-0056 18. S (VRL-00329) - Mangas Coloradas Ion VH16-009-0004 19. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Ibn Sheitan VH18-003-0243 20. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Gemstone Jewel AET VH02-058-4826 21. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Holiday Jingle VH20-019-0075 22. S (VRL-00329) - Xojo Ion VH16-009-0007 23. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Nestevaeph VH20-059-0064 24. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Ramya Whisker VH14-009-0023 25. S (VRL-00329) - Amiga Ion VH16-009-0008 26. S (VRL-00329) - Back In Sixties Ion VH15-009-0016 27. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Brooklyn Queen Hazard VH20-016-0037 28. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Autumn Sun VH17-019-0020 29. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Glademist Glory Be VH21-072-0027 30. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Akilah Glow VH21-003-0092 22. English Pleasure 1. S (VRL-00329) - Diamond Belle Ion VH21-009-0029 2. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Imperial Royalness VH18-003-0077 3. S (VRL-00329) - Summertime Soda Ion VH16-009-0006 4. Tinu (VRL-05594) - DD Beelzebub VH20-059-0043 5. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Bint Madihah al Rayydan VH17-003-0134 6. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Goldmoon Glow VH20-059-0014 7. S (VRL-00329) - Caroline Irene Ion VH21-009-0026 8. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Warnika VH20-003-0228 9. S (VRL-00329) - Bestman Ion VH15-009-0017 10. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Hidebrook's Brandy Snaps VH21-047-0006 11. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Jiggery-Pokery Glow VH20-016-0036 12. S (VRL-00329) - Cython Ion VH16-009-0003 13. S (VRL-00329) - Moonrise GA VH15-009-0025 14. S (VRL-00329) - Choco Loco Knox VH11-009-0004 15. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - BT Zuebh al Muqtadir VH17-003-0152 16. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Choko Doll Ion VH18-009-0016 17. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - S Baheera Qismah VH11-003-0611 18. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Rajab Qahtan al Rayydan VH17-003-0144 19. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Glademist Numex Twilight VH21-072-0026 20. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Angren Foxette VH20-059-0042 21. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Bloomfield Sorrows Away VH21-047-0007 22. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Cowbell Glow VH20-016-0056 23. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Wrathmaw D’Hellhound VH20-059-0054 24. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Domestico VH17-067-0002 25. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Ramya Adrastea VH14-059-0051 26. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Darya Psyche MJA VH18-003-0090 27. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Happy Heist VH20-059-0061 28. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Cosmic Disaster VH20-016-0071 29. S (VRL-00329) - Lava Flow Ion VH15-009-0041 30. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Stairway To Grave VH20-019-0065 31. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - HWA Shadow's Death VH17-016-0059 32. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Imperial Justicia VH18-003-0130 33. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Hire Sapphire VH20-059-0062 34. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Ramya Trickery VH14-016-0003 35. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Café Caribbean VH20-016-0070 36. S (VRL-00329) - Confidential Ion VH15-009-0040 37. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Royal Dutchess M VH18-078-0006 38. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - BT Czenator VH17-003-0148 39. S (VRL-00329) - Arkenstone Ion VH14-009-0047 23. English Pleasure Driving 1. S (VRL-00329) - Bestman Ion VH15-009-0017 2. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Imperial Royalness VH18-003-0077 3. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Goldmoon Glow VH20-059-0014 4. Tinu (VRL-05594) - DD Beelzebub VH20-059-0043 5. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Happy Heist VH20-059-0061 6. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Ramya Trickery VH14-016-0003 7. S (VRL-00329) - Choco Loco Knox VH11-009-0004 8. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Wrathmaw D’Hellhound VH20-059-0054 9. S (VRL-00329) - Summertime Soda Ion VH16-009-0006 10. S (VRL-00329) - Diamond Belle Ion VH21-009-0029 11. S (VRL-00329) - Lava Flow Ion VH15-009-0041 12. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Choko Doll Ion VH18-009-0016 13. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Warnika VH20-003-0228 14. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Jiggery-Pokery Glow VH20-016-0036 15. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Rajab Qahtan al Rayydan VH17-003-0144 16. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - S Baheera Qismah VH11-003-0611 17. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Darya Psyche MJA VH18-003-0090 18. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Bint Madihah al Rayydan VH17-003-0134 19. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - BT Czenator VH17-003-0148 20. S (VRL-00329) - Moonrise GA VH15-009-0025 21. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Domestico VH17-067-0002 22. S (VRL-00329) - Cython Ion VH16-009-0003 23. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Café Caribbean VH20-016-0070 24. S (VRL-00329) - Confidential Ion VH15-009-0040 25. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - BT Zuebh al Muqtadir VH17-003-0152 26. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Imperial Justicia VH18-003-0130 27. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Cosmic Disaster VH20-016-0071 28. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Hidebrook's Brandy Snaps VH21-047-0006 29. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - HWA Shadow's Death VH17-016-0059 30. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Ramya Adrastea VH14-059-0051 31. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Glademist Numex Twilight VH21-072-0026 32. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Cowbell Glow VH20-016-0056 33. S (VRL-00329) - Arkenstone Ion VH14-009-0047 34. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Royal Dutchess M VH18-078-0006 35. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Bloomfield Sorrows Away VH21-047-0007 36. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Hire Sapphire VH20-059-0062 37. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Angren Foxette VH20-059-0042 38. S (VRL-00329) - Caroline Irene Ion VH21-009-0026 39. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Stairway To Grave VH20-019-0065 24. Informal Combination 1. S (VRL-00329) - Lava Flow Ion VH15-009-0041 2. Tinu (VRL-05594) - DD Beelzebub VH20-059-0043 3. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - BT Zuebh al Muqtadir VH17-003-0152 4. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Wrathmaw D’Hellhound VH20-059-0054 5. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Angren Foxette VH20-059-0042 6. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Domestico VH17-067-0002 7. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Cosmic Disaster VH20-016-0071 8. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Ramya Adrastea VH14-059-0051 9. S (VRL-00329) - Confidential Ion VH15-009-0040 10. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Imperial Royalness VH18-003-0077 11. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Bloomfield Sorrows Away VH21-047-0007 12. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Ramya Trickery VH14-016-0003 13. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Jiggery-Pokery Glow VH20-016-0036 14. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Royal Dutchess M VH18-078-0006 15. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Hidebrook's Brandy Snaps VH21-047-0006 16. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - BT Czenator VH17-003-0148 17. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Warnika VH20-003-0228 18. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Darya Psyche MJA VH18-003-0090 19. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Café Caribbean VH20-016-0070 20. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Goldmoon Glow VH20-059-0014 21. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Cowbell Glow VH20-016-0056 22. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Happy Heist VH20-059-0061 23. S (VRL-00329) - Choco Loco Knox VH11-009-0004 24. S (VRL-00329) - Arkenstone Ion VH14-009-0047 25. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Choko Doll Ion VH18-009-0016 26. S (VRL-00329) - Bestman Ion VH15-009-0017 27. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Bint Madihah al Rayydan VH17-003-0134 28. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Hire Sapphire VH20-059-0062 29. S (VRL-00329) - Summertime Soda Ion VH16-009-0006 30. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Imperial Justicia VH18-003-0130 31. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Rajab Qahtan al Rayydan VH17-003-0144 32. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Stairway To Grave VH20-019-0065 33. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - S Baheera Qismah VH11-003-0611 34. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Glademist Numex Twilight VH21-072-0026 35. S (VRL-00329) - Moonrise GA VH15-009-0025 36. S (VRL-00329) - Cython Ion VH16-009-0003 37. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - HWA Shadow's Death VH17-016-0059 38. S (VRL-00329) - Diamond Belle Ion VH21-009-0029 39. S (VRL-00329) - Caroline Irene Ion VH21-009-0026 25. Show Pleasure 1. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Siciliano Glow VH20-016-0086 2. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Cranberry Glow VH20-059-0040 3. S (VRL-00329) - Sandstorm Ion VH15-009-0044 4. S (VRL-00329) - Square Dance Ion VH15-009-0030 5. S (VRL-00329) - Fanya Salil-Al-Negm ox VH15-003-0118 6. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - American Beauty Shot DLHS 7. S (VRL-00329) - Christmas Elf's Revenge VH20-009-0004 8. S (VRL-00329) - Wadi Samir ox VH15-003-0282 9. S (VRL-00329) - Black Shadow Ion VH14-009-0053 10. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Zupacharged VH20-059-0015 11. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Dying 2Nite Delm VH21-019-0019 12. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Cloudberry Glow VH21-059-0027 13. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Galila Glow VH21-003-0090 14. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Foxhide's Fated Sky VH21-047-0005 15. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Mansur Glow VH21-003-0091 16. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Red Fairlee Ion VH20-059-0053 17. S (VRL-00329) - Lawrence Ion VH15-009-0012 18. S (VRL-00329) - Copperplate Ion VH20-009-0005 19. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Camourflage VH20-059-0055 20. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Behind The Scenes VH20-019-0066 21. S (VRL-00329) - Blue Rose Ion VH14-009-0055 22. S (VRL-00329) - Baby Doll Ion VH21-009-0023 23. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Ghadah ox VH20-003-0200 24. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Darkwaters Rough Lover VH21-047-0004 26. Show Pleasure Driving 1. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Camourflage VH20-059-0055 2. S (VRL-00329) - Square Dance Ion VH15-009-0030 3. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Red Fairlee Ion VH20-059-0053 4. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Galila Glow VH21-003-0090 5. S (VRL-00329) - Baby Doll Ion VH21-009-0023 6. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Ghadah ox VH20-003-0200 7. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Dying 2Nite Delm VH21-019-0019 8. S (VRL-00329) - Wadi Samir ox VH15-003-0282 9. S (VRL-00329) - Blue Rose Ion VH14-009-0055 10. S (VRL-00329) - Black Shadow Ion VH14-009-0053 11. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Foxhide's Fated Sky VH21-047-0005 12. S (VRL-00329) - Sandstorm Ion VH15-009-0044 13. S (VRL-00329) - Christmas Elf's Revenge VH20-009-0004 14. S (VRL-00329) - Fanya Salil-Al-Negm ox VH15-003-0118 15. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - American Beauty Shot DLHS 16. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Cranberry Glow VH20-059-0040 17. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Behind The Scenes VH20-019-0066 18. S (VRL-00329) - Copperplate Ion VH20-009-0005 19. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Siciliano Glow VH20-016-0086 20. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Darkwaters Rough Lover VH21-047-0004 21. S (VRL-00329) - Lawrence Ion VH15-009-0012 22. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Cloudberry Glow VH21-059-0027 23. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Mansur Glow VH21-003-0091 24. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Zupacharged VH20-059-0015 27. Informal Show Combination 1. S (VRL-00329) - Square Dance Ion VH15-009-0030 2. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Cranberry Glow VH20-059-0040 3. S (VRL-00329) - Wadi Samir ox VH15-003-0282 4. S (VRL-00329) - Blue Rose Ion VH14-009-0055 5. S (VRL-00329) - Fanya Salil-Al-Negm ox VH15-003-0118 6. S (VRL-00329) - Black Shadow Ion VH14-009-0053 7. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Red Fairlee Ion VH20-059-0053 8. S (VRL-00329) - Sandstorm Ion VH15-009-0044 9. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Dying 2Nite Delm VH21-019-0019 10. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Cloudberry Glow VH21-059-0027 11. S (VRL-00329) - Baby Doll Ion VH21-009-0023 12. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Darkwaters Rough Lover VH21-047-0004 13. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Camourflage VH20-059-0055 14. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Mansur Glow VH21-003-0091 15. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Siciliano Glow VH20-016-0086 16. S (VRL-00329) - Copperplate Ion VH20-009-0005 17. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Behind The Scenes VH20-019-0066 18. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Ghadah ox VH20-003-0200 19. S (VRL-00329) - Lawrence Ion VH15-009-0012 20. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Galila Glow VH21-003-0090 21. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Foxhide's Fated Sky VH21-047-0005 22. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - American Beauty Shot DLHS 23. S (VRL-00329) - Christmas Elf's Revenge VH20-009-0004 24. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Zupacharged VH20-059-0015 28. Park 1. S (VRL-00329) - Blood Diamond Ion VH21-009-0006 2. Mari H (VRL-05704) - So Called High Class VH20-019-0073 3. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Budur al Angren ox VH20-003-0180 4. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Ibn Aszeem MJA VH18-003-0195 5. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Cyprian MJA VH18-003-0187 6. S (VRL-00329) - Black Hole Radiation Ion VH21-009-0005 7. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Paint It Gold VH20-019-0067 8. S (VRL-00329) - Big Bang Ion VH15-009-0037 9. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Fizzbomb VH20-019-0031 10. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - HWA Black Magic VH17-016-0058 11. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Tremolite Glow VH20-059-0017 12. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Baccarat Baby VH20-016-0032 13. S (VRL-00329) - Eastern Sour Ion VH21-009-0007 14. S (VRL-00329) - South Gust Ion VH21-009-0018 15. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Sweet Dreams Glow VH20-016-0055 16. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Hennessey Qocui Glow VH20-019-0080 17. S (VRL-00329) - The Clock Watcher Ion VH21-009-0019 18. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Psychein MJA VH19-003-0053 19. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Nasr Aszeem CH VH11-003-0609 20. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Calanthe M VH18-003-0099 21. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Ragrock Irish Coffee VH20-059-0056 22. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Starry Cat Blues VH20-016-0076 23. S (VRL-00329) - Negroni Ion VH21-009-0016 24. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Campari Martini Glow VH20-059-0039 25. S (VRL-00329) - Silver Digger Ion VH21-009-0017 26. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Pystein M VH19-003-0049 27. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Angren Nine of Cups VH20-059-0041 28. S (VRL-00329) - Flat White Ion VH21-009-0009 29. S (VRL-00329) - East Coast Swing VH12-009-0068 30. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Cythralon M VH18-003-0134 31. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Eryk VH18-003-0242 29. Park Harness 1. S (VRL-00329) - Negroni Ion VH21-009-0016 2. S (VRL-00329) - Silver Digger Ion VH21-009-0017 3. S (VRL-00329) - Blood Diamond Ion VH21-009-0006 4. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Calanthe M VH18-003-0099 5. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - HWA Black Magic VH17-016-0058 6. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Campari Martini Glow VH20-059-0039 7. S (VRL-00329) - Big Bang Ion VH15-009-0037 8. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Paint It Gold VH20-019-0067 9. S (VRL-00329) - Black Hole Radiation Ion VH21-009-0005 10. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Psychein MJA VH19-003-0053 11. S (VRL-00329) - Flat White Ion VH21-009-0009 12. S (VRL-00329) - South Gust Ion VH21-009-0018 13. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Eryk VH18-003-0242 14. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Nasr Aszeem CH VH11-003-0609 15. Mari H (VRL-05704) - So Called High Class VH20-019-0073 16. S (VRL-00329) - East Coast Swing VH12-009-0068 17. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Ragrock Irish Coffee VH20-059-0056 18. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Baccarat Baby VH20-016-0032 19. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Tremolite Glow VH20-059-0017 20. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Fizzbomb VH20-019-0031 21. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Starry Cat Blues VH20-016-0076 22. S (VRL-00329) - Eastern Sour Ion VH21-009-0007 23. S (VRL-00329) - The Clock Watcher Ion VH21-009-0019 24. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Pystein M VH19-003-0049 25. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Budur al Angren ox VH20-003-0180 26. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Hennessey Qocui Glow VH20-019-0080 27. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Cyprian MJA VH18-003-0187 28. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Cythralon M VH18-003-0134 29. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Angren Nine of Cups VH20-059-0041 30. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Sweet Dreams Glow VH20-016-0055 31. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Ibn Aszeem MJA VH18-003-0195 30. Formal Combination 1. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Psychein MJA VH19-003-0053 2. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Budur al Angren ox VH20-003-0180 3. S (VRL-00329) - Silver Digger Ion VH21-009-0017 4. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Campari Martini Glow VH20-059-0039 5. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Hennessey Qocui Glow VH20-019-0080 6. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Ibn Aszeem MJA VH18-003-0195 7. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Eryk VH18-003-0242 8. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Ragrock Irish Coffee VH20-059-0056 9. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Cythralon M VH18-003-0134 10. S (VRL-00329) - South Gust Ion VH21-009-0018 11. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Fizzbomb VH20-019-0031 12. S (VRL-00329) - Flat White Ion VH21-009-0009 13. S (VRL-00329) - Black Hole Radiation Ion VH21-009-0005 14. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Pystein M VH19-003-0049 15. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Starry Cat Blues VH20-016-0076 16. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Sweet Dreams Glow VH20-016-0055 17. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Cyprian MJA VH18-003-0187 18. S (VRL-00329) - Eastern Sour Ion VH21-009-0007 19. S (VRL-00329) - Negroni Ion VH21-009-0016 20. S (VRL-00329) - Blood Diamond Ion VH21-009-0006 21. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Baccarat Baby VH20-016-0032 22. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - HWA Black Magic VH17-016-0058 23. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Calanthe M VH18-003-0099 24. S (VRL-00329) - East Coast Swing VH12-009-0068 25. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Tremolite Glow VH20-059-0017 26. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Paint It Gold VH20-019-0067 27. Mari H (VRL-05704) - So Called High Class VH20-019-0073 28. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Angren Nine of Cups VH20-059-0041 29. S (VRL-00329) - Big Bang Ion VH15-009-0037 30. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Nasr Aszeem CH VH11-003-0609 31. S (VRL-00329) - The Clock Watcher Ion VH21-009-0019


31. Pleasure Driving 1. S (VRL-00329) - Galaks Volevoj ox VH20-003-0067 2. S (VRL-00329) - Solanka Ubayd ox VH21-003-0068 3. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Angren Cressida VH17-177-0009 4. S (VRL-00329) - Flashheart Ion VH21-085-0006 5. S (VRL-00329) - Thaz Pjatigorsk ox VH21-003-0069 6. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Shadrach Verm VH21-047-0013 7. sarqquu (VRL-04347) - Rainmaker Raven Memory VH20-177-0059 8. S (VRL-00329) - Kittycat Luxus VH12-085-0004 9. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - CHR Blood Moon Rising VH17-177-0001 10. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Rainmaker Mirroring May VH20-177-0058 11. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Wynland's Lucky Star VH20-091-0002 12. lottis (VRL-13831) - Rainmaker Black Cat VH14-177-0030 13. S (VRL-00329) - Claridge Basit ox VH20-003-0019 14. Ireth (VRL-03777) - Rainmaker Little Chino VH15-177-0047 15. S (VRL-00329) - Clifford Ion VH21-085-0005 16. S (VRL-00329) - Dheb Palio ox VH15-003-0115 17. Ireth (VRL-03777) - Hidden Power VH16-177-0007 18. lottis (VRL-13831) - Rainmaker Twisting Chaos VH16-177-0001 19. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Battleborn VH17-047-0003 20. lottis (VRL-13831) - Dusthill Supersweet VH15-177-0074 21. Ireth (VRL-03777) - Rainmaker Every Silver Lining VH15-177-0048 22. S (VRL-00329) - San Andreas Verm VH21-085-0009 23. S (VRL-00329) - Wainford Reckless Royal VH21-085-0013 24. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Billys Pretty Boy VH19-177-0008 25. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Rocking Like A Hurricane VH18-177-0017 32. Pleasure Driving 1. lottis (VRL-13831) - Dusthill Supersweet VH15-177-0074 2. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Wynland's Lucky Star VH20-091-0002 3. lottis (VRL-13831) - Rainmaker Black Cat VH14-177-0030 4. S (VRL-00329) - Kittycat Luxus VH12-085-0004 5. S (VRL-00329) - Dheb Palio ox VH15-003-0115 6. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Shadrach Verm VH21-047-0013 7. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Battleborn VH17-047-0003 8. Ireth (VRL-03777) - Hidden Power VH16-177-0007 9. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Angren Cressida VH17-177-0009 10. S (VRL-00329) - Wainford Reckless Royal VH21-085-0013 11. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Billys Pretty Boy VH19-177-0008 12. lottis (VRL-13831) - Rainmaker Twisting Chaos VH16-177-0001 13. Ireth (VRL-03777) - Rainmaker Little Chino VH15-177-0047 14. S (VRL-00329) - Clifford Ion VH21-085-0005 15. S (VRL-00329) - Solanka Ubayd ox VH21-003-0068 16. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Rainmaker Mirroring May VH20-177-0058 17. S (VRL-00329) - Claridge Basit ox VH20-003-0019 18. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Rocking Like A Hurricane VH18-177-0017 19. Ireth (VRL-03777) - Rainmaker Every Silver Lining VH15-177-0048 20. S (VRL-00329) - Flashheart Ion VH21-085-0006 21. S (VRL-00329) - Thaz Pjatigorsk ox VH21-003-0069 22. S (VRL-00329) - San Andreas Verm VH21-085-0009 23. sarqquu (VRL-04347) - Rainmaker Raven Memory VH20-177-0059 24. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - CHR Blood Moon Rising VH17-177-0001 25. S (VRL-00329) - Galaks Volevoj ox VH20-003-0067 33. Pleasure Driving 1. S (VRL-00329) - Clifford Ion VH21-085-0005 2. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Shadrach Verm VH21-047-0013 3. S (VRL-00329) - San Andreas Verm VH21-085-0009 4. Ireth (VRL-03777) - Hidden Power VH16-177-0007 5. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Battleborn VH17-047-0003 6. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Wynland's Lucky Star VH20-091-0002 7. lottis (VRL-13831) - Dusthill Supersweet VH15-177-0074 8. Tinu (VRL-05594) - Angren Cressida VH17-177-0009 9. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Billys Pretty Boy VH19-177-0008 10. lottis (VRL-13831) - Rainmaker Twisting Chaos VH16-177-0001 11. sarqquu (VRL-04347) - Rainmaker Raven Memory VH20-177-0059 12. S (VRL-00329) - Solanka Ubayd ox VH21-003-0068 13. S (VRL-00329) - Galaks Volevoj ox VH20-003-0067 14. Ireth (VRL-03777) - Rainmaker Little Chino VH15-177-0047 15. S (VRL-00329) - Dheb Palio ox VH15-003-0115 16. S (VRL-00329) - Thaz Pjatigorsk ox VH21-003-0069 17. S (VRL-00329) - Kittycat Luxus VH12-085-0004 18. S (VRL-00329) - Flashheart Ion VH21-085-0006 19. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Rainmaker Mirroring May VH20-177-0058 20. Ireth (VRL-03777) - Rainmaker Every Silver Lining VH15-177-0048 21. S (VRL-00329) - Claridge Basit ox VH20-003-0019 22. S (VRL-00329) - Wainford Reckless Royal VH21-085-0013 23. lottis (VRL-13831) - Rainmaker Black Cat VH14-177-0030 24. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - CHR Blood Moon Rising VH17-177-0001 25. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Rocking Like A Hurricane VH18-177-0017 34. Fine Harness 1. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Darkwaters Rough Lover VH21-047-0004 2. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Baby Shark VH20-177-0001 3. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Four O Rebecca VH20-085-0017 4. S (VRL-00329) - Destinee Ion VH20-085-0004 5. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Little Bird VH20-085-0018 6. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Hidden Black Suprise VH17-176-0001 7. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Foxhide's Fated Sky VH21-047-0005 8. S (VRL-00329) - Thaz Exotikk ox VH15-003-0288 9. S (VRL-00329) - Serpento Verm VH21-085-0010 10. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Blue Ridge Mountain Boy VH20-085-0015 11. S (VRL-00329) - Ozir Elios ox VH21-003-0057 12. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Blue For You VH20-085-0021 13. S (VRL-00329) - Alexina Ion VH20-085-0002 14. S (VRL-00329) - Chantal v. Pijnboompit VH12-085-0009 15. Terhi (VRL-01403) - Echo of Sensation VH06-016-9076 16. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Sisco VH17-047-0002 17. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Spellbound Magic VH20-085-0022 18. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Birdsong Glow VH20-085-0019 19. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Cracker Jack Yeehaw VH20-085-0016 20. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Bluerock Mountain Glow VH20-085-0020 21. S (VRL-00329) - Heartside's Uptown Miss VH21-085-0012 22. S (VRL-00329) - Snappycat Ion VH21-085-0015 23. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Hey Classy Girl VH20-085-0024 24. S (VRL-00329) - Hexacoral Verm VH21-085-0014 25. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Starwood's Dynamite Dux VH20-091-0003 26. S (VRL-00329) - Captain Don Luxus VH12-085-0003 27. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Dal Heavens Waverly VH19-177-0007 28. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Glory Be Summer VH20-085-0023 35. Fine Harness 1. S (VRL-00329) - Alexina Ion VH20-085-0002 2. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Bluerock Mountain Glow VH20-085-0020 3. S (VRL-00329) - Hexacoral Verm VH21-085-0014 4. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Hey Classy Girl VH20-085-0024 5. S (VRL-00329) - Chantal v. Pijnboompit VH12-085-0009 6. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Darkwaters Rough Lover VH21-047-0004 7. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Dal Heavens Waverly VH19-177-0007 8. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Cracker Jack Yeehaw VH20-085-0016 9. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Blue For You VH20-085-0021 10. S (VRL-00329) - Thaz Exotikk ox VH15-003-0288 11. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Blue Ridge Mountain Boy VH20-085-0015 12. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Baby Shark VH20-177-0001 13. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Foxhide's Fated Sky VH21-047-0005 14. S (VRL-00329) - Captain Don Luxus VH12-085-0003 15. S (VRL-00329) - Heartside's Uptown Miss VH21-085-0012 16. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Sisco VH17-047-0002 17. S (VRL-00329) - Ozir Elios ox VH21-003-0057 18. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Birdsong Glow VH20-085-0019 19. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Little Bird VH20-085-0018 20. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Starwood's Dynamite Dux VH20-091-0003 21. S (VRL-00329) - Serpento Verm VH21-085-0010 22. S (VRL-00329) - Destinee Ion VH20-085-0004 23. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Four O Rebecca VH20-085-0017 24. Terhi (VRL-01403) - Echo of Sensation VH06-016-9076 25. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Hidden Black Suprise VH17-176-0001 26. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Spellbound Magic VH20-085-0022 27. S (VRL-00329) - Snappycat Ion VH21-085-0015 28. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Glory Be Summer VH20-085-0023 36. Fine Harness 1. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Blue For You VH20-085-0021 2. S (VRL-00329) - Hexacoral Verm VH21-085-0014 3. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Birdsong Glow VH20-085-0019 4. S (VRL-00329) - Heartside's Uptown Miss VH21-085-0012 5. S (VRL-00329) - Snappycat Ion VH21-085-0015 6. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Darkwaters Rough Lover VH21-047-0004 7. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Sisco VH17-047-0002 8. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Dal Heavens Waverly VH19-177-0007 9. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Spellbound Magic VH20-085-0022 10. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Little Bird VH20-085-0018 11. S (VRL-00329) - Chantal v. Pijnboompit VH12-085-0009 12. S (VRL-00329) - Thaz Exotikk ox VH15-003-0288 13. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Baby Shark VH20-177-0001 14. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Cracker Jack Yeehaw VH20-085-0016 15. S (VRL-00329) - Serpento Verm VH21-085-0010 16. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Hidden Black Suprise VH17-176-0001 17. S (VRL-00329) - Captain Don Luxus VH12-085-0003 18. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Hey Classy Girl VH20-085-0024 19. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Glory Be Summer VH20-085-0023 20. S (VRL-00329) - Destinee Ion VH20-085-0004 21. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Blue Ridge Mountain Boy VH20-085-0015 22. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Foxhide's Fated Sky VH21-047-0005 23. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Starwood's Dynamite Dux VH20-091-0003 24. S (VRL-00329) - Alexina Ion VH20-085-0002 25. S (VRL-00329) - Ozir Elios ox VH21-003-0057 26. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Bluerock Mountain Glow VH20-085-0020 27. Terhi (VRL-01403) - Echo of Sensation VH06-016-9076 28. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Four O Rebecca VH20-085-0017 37. Roadster 1. S (VRL-00329) - Amab Gandalf ox VH12-003-0084 2. S (VRL-00329) - Riww Wasir ox VH21-003-0064 3. S (VRL-00329) - Solanka Quadros ox VH12-003-0194 4. S (VRL-00329) - Wainford Whizzy Dee VH21-085-0017 5. S (VRL-00329) - Hayden Ion VH21-085-0007 6. S (VRL-00329) - Hurstwing's My Bad VH21-085-0008 7. S (VRL-00329) - Thaz Micayah ox VH21-003-0067 8. S (VRL-00329) - Minty Thing Ion VH21-085-0016 9. S (VRL-00329) - Taktik Gavar Khai ox VH21-003-0065 10. S (VRL-00329) - Mikeno Gautama ox VH12-003-0375 38. Roadster 1. S (VRL-00329) - Wainford Whizzy Dee VH21-085-0017 2. S (VRL-00329) - Mikeno Gautama ox VH12-003-0375 3. S (VRL-00329) - Hurstwing's My Bad VH21-085-0008 4. S (VRL-00329) - Thaz Micayah ox VH21-003-0067 5. S (VRL-00329) - Solanka Quadros ox VH12-003-0194 6. S (VRL-00329) - Hayden Ion VH21-085-0007 7. S (VRL-00329) - Taktik Gavar Khai ox VH21-003-0065 8. S (VRL-00329) - Riww Wasir ox VH21-003-0064 9. S (VRL-00329) - Minty Thing Ion VH21-085-0016 10. S (VRL-00329) - Amab Gandalf ox VH12-003-0084 39. Roadster 1. S (VRL-00329) - Mikeno Gautama ox VH12-003-0375 2. S (VRL-00329) - Taktik Gavar Khai ox VH21-003-0065 3. S (VRL-00329) - Solanka Quadros ox VH12-003-0194 4. S (VRL-00329) - Hurstwing's My Bad VH21-085-0008 5. S (VRL-00329) - Amab Gandalf ox VH12-003-0084 6. S (VRL-00329) - Hayden Ion VH21-085-0007 7. S (VRL-00329) - Wainford Whizzy Dee VH21-085-0017 8. S (VRL-00329) - Thaz Micayah ox VH21-003-0067 9. S (VRL-00329) - Minty Thing Ion VH21-085-0016 10. S (VRL-00329) - Riww Wasir ox VH21-003-0064