Kesäkuun ARJ-Cup 30.06.2023

* Kilpailupaikka Glowdale Farm (GLDL5792) / vastuuhenkilö Mari H (VRL-05704)
* Tulokset arvotaan lyhyellä arvonnalla arvontakoneella
* Kisat ovat ARJ:n alaiset

* Jokaiseen luokkaan otetaan rajattomasti osallistujia
* Yksi henkilö saa tuoda max. kymmenen (10) hevosta/luokka
* Yksi hevonen saa osallistua yhteensä kolmeen luokkaan, joka luokkaan yhden kerran ja vain yhteen saddleseat-/ajoryhmään
* 4-käyntinen islanninhevonen ei voi osallistua 5-käyntisten luokkiin ja toisinpäin
* Hevosen rotu löytyy Askellajiratsastusjaoksen rotulistalta

* Ratsastajalta tulee löytyä VRL-tunnus ja hevoselta VH-numero
* Kilpailijan ei tarvitse kuulua mihinkään seuraan, mutta seuraan kuuluminen on suositeltavaa


* VIP 29.06.2023
* Sähköpostiin
* Otsikoksi: ARJ-Cup kesäkuu
* Muoto:
Luokka nro [rivinvaihto] Ratsastaja (VRL-00000) - Hevonen VH00-000-0000

* Jos osallistut samalla kokoonpanolla useampaan luokkaan, laita luokka kohtaan kaikki kyseiset luokat. Esim:
Luokka nro 1,2 ja 3 [rivinvaihto]
Esimerkki Elli (VRL-00000) - Putte
Esimerkki Elli (VRL-00000) - Polle


1. Töltti T.1 (4-käynt isl)
2. 4-käynti V.1 (4-käynt isl)
3. Kouluratsastus FS1 (4-käynt isl)

4. 5-käynti F.1 (5-käynt isl)
5. Passikoe PP.1 (5-käynt isl)
6. Speedpassi P.2 (5-käynt isl)

7. Slow Gait (sdb & nsh)
8. Rack (sdb & nsh)
9. 5-käynti (sdb & nsh)

10. Nelitahtikäynti (twh)
11. Juoksukäynti (twh)
12. Keinutuolilaukka (twh)

13. 3-käynti (muut rodut kuin yo.)
14. 4-käynti (muut rodut kuin yo.)
15. 5-käynti (muut rodut kuin yo.)
16. Classic Pleasure
17. Classic Pleasure Driving
18. Classic Country Combination

19. Country Pleasure
20. Country Pleasure Driving
21. Country Combination

22. English Pleasure
23. English Pleasure Driving
24. Informal Combination

25. Show Pleasure
26. Show Pleasure Driving
27. Informal Show Combination

28. Park
29. Park Harness
30. Formal Combination
31. Pleasure Driving
32. Pleasure Driving
33. Pleasure Driving

34. Fine Harness
35. Fine Harness
36. Fine Harness

37. Roadster
38. Roadster
39. Roadster



1. Töltti T.1 (4-käynt isl) 1. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Drella frá Kleppur VH22-030-0151 2. S (VRL-00329) - Bryndís frá Jón VH20-030-0075 3. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Tjaldari frá Trottúr VH21-030-0068 4. aksu (VRL-00164) - Ímir frá Hugar VH21-030-0136 5. Jannica (VRL-04799) - Njáll fra Adina VH21-030-0168 6. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Sinna frá Ljóma VH22-030-0061 7. Dee (VRL-13383) - Margrímur frá Villieldur VH23-030-0045 8. Dee (VRL-13383) - Netla fra Löfgård VH23-030-0065 9. S (VRL-00329) - Nátthrafn frá Jón VH20-030-0072 10. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Ásgrímur frá Delm VH21-030-0169 11. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Narri frá Tolva VH20-030-0093 12. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Freyja frá Ljóma VH22-030-0070 13. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Birkir frá Jón VH20-030-0016 14. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Von frá Ponipallero VH20-030-0004 15. Jannica (VRL-04799) - Sævarr fra Adina VH18-030-0005 16. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Myrkva frá Ljóma VH22-030-0067 17. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Blængur frá Trottúr VH22-030-0137 18. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Móri frá Rósgarður 19. Dee (VRL-13383) - Hnúfa frá Myrksvík VH23-030-0079 20. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Þekkur frá Syndur VH22-030-0116 21. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Bjalla frá Syndur VH21-030-0131 22. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Allvar frá Sjökull VH22-030-0001 2. 4-käynti V.1 (4-käynt isl) 1. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Ásgrímur frá Delm VH21-030-0169 2. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Freyja frá Ljóma VH22-030-0070 3. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Allvar frá Sjökull VH22-030-0001 4. Jannica (VRL-04799) - Njáll fra Adina VH21-030-0168 5. S (VRL-00329) - Bryndís frá Jón VH20-030-0075 6. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Narri frá Tolva VH20-030-0093 7. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Drella frá Kleppur VH22-030-0151 8. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Myrkva frá Ljóma VH22-030-0067 9. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Tjaldari frá Trottúr VH21-030-0068 10. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Von frá Ponipallero VH20-030-0004 11. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Þekkur frá Syndur VH22-030-0116 12. Dee (VRL-13383) - Hnúfa frá Myrksvík VH23-030-0079 13. Jannica (VRL-04799) - Sævarr fra Adina VH18-030-0005 14. aksu (VRL-00164) - Ímir frá Hugar VH21-030-0136 15. S (VRL-00329) - Nátthrafn frá Jón VH20-030-0072 16. Dee (VRL-13383) - Margrímur frá Villieldur VH23-030-0045 17. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Móri frá Rósgarður 18. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Sinna frá Ljóma VH22-030-0061 19. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Bjalla frá Syndur VH21-030-0131 20. Dee (VRL-13383) - Netla fra Löfgård VH23-030-0065 21. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Blængur frá Trottúr VH22-030-0137 22. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Birkir frá Jón VH20-030-0016 3. Kouluratsastus FS1 (4-käynt isl) 1. Jannica (VRL-04799) - Njáll fra Adina VH21-030-0168 2. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Móri frá Rósgarður 3. Jannica (VRL-04799) - Sævarr fra Adina VH18-030-0005 4. aksu (VRL-00164) - Ímir frá Hugar VH21-030-0136 5. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Ásgrímur frá Delm VH21-030-0169 6. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Von frá Ponipallero VH20-030-0004 7. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Narri frá Tolva VH20-030-0093 8. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Bjalla frá Syndur VH21-030-0131 9. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Allvar frá Sjökull VH22-030-0001 10. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Blængur frá Trottúr VH22-030-0137 11. S (VRL-00329) - Bryndís frá Jón VH20-030-0075 12. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Birkir frá Jón VH20-030-0016 13. Dee (VRL-13383) - Netla fra Löfgård VH23-030-0065 14. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Sinna frá Ljóma VH22-030-0061 15. S (VRL-00329) - Nátthrafn frá Jón VH20-030-0072 16. Dee (VRL-13383) - Hnúfa frá Myrksvík VH23-030-0079 17. Dee (VRL-13383) - Margrímur frá Villieldur VH23-030-0045 18. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Drella frá Kleppur VH22-030-0151 19. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Tjaldari frá Trottúr VH21-030-0068 20. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Freyja frá Ljóma VH22-030-0070 21. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Þekkur frá Syndur VH22-030-0116 22. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Myrkva frá Ljóma VH22-030-0067 4. 5-käynti F.1 (5-käynt isl) 1. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Álfalilja frá Ljóma VH20-030-0106 2. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Hnalla frá Laekur VH21-030-0014 3. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Eldur frá Ljóma VH20-030-0103 4. S (VRL-00329) - Myrta frá Skugglandi VH22-030-0127 5. S (VRL-00329) - Ísstjarna frá Hvitarholti VH22-030-0126 6. S (VRL-00329) - Svandís frá Skógur VH12-030-0188 7. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Hrani frá Ljóma VH20-030-0056 8. aksu (VRL-00164) - Flóki frá Hugar VH21-030-0135 9. Dee (VRL-13383) - Galdramaður fra Geimur VH23-030-0047 10. S (VRL-00329) - Eá-Frán frá Jökulnesi VH22-030-0125 11. Tiikeri (VRL-10741) - Svaðilfari frá Tígrishellir VH22-030-0056 12. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Skrína frá Ljóma VH21-030-0018 13. Dee (VRL-13383) - Trítla frá Winmour VH23-030-0080 14. Tiikeri (VRL-10741) - Svana frá Ljóma VH22-030-0007 15. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Hjaltína frá Suðuvik VH20-030-0099 16. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Grímnir frá Gídeon VH20-030-0060 17. Dee (VRL-13383) - Ávallteik frá Fróðleikur VH23-030-0050 18. Tuulia T. (VRL-00084) - Mélnir frá Ljóma VH23-030-0112 19. Dee (VRL-13383) - Dekkja frá Jón VH23-030-0063 20. Dee (VRL-13383) - Enóla fra Kólibrí VH23-030-0046 21. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Þyrill frá Gídeon VH20-030-0050 22. Dee (VRL-13383) - Undri frá Winmour VH23-030-0081 23. Jannica (VRL-04799) - Náttúlfur fra Adina VH21-030-0167 24. aksu (VRL-00164) - Silfrá frá Hugar VH21-030-0134 25. S (VRL-00329) - Völsavilla frá Jón VH20-030-0080 26. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Neysla frá Ljóma VH20-030-0107 27. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Prímus frá Ljóma VH20-030-0032 28. Jannica (VRL-04799) - Rútur fra Adina VH19-030-0034 29. S (VRL-00329) - Ljósvíkingur frá Silur-Fossi VH22-030-0123 30. Jannica (VRL-04799) - Móði frá Syndur VH16-030-0040 31. Jannica (VRL-04799) - Stúfur frá Brosa VH22-030-0009 32. aksu (VRL-00164) - Leppa frá Hugar VH21-030-0133 33. aksu (VRL-00164) - Sámur frá Hugar VH21-030-0137 34. Tuulia T. (VRL-00084) - Eilíf frá Ljóma VH23-030-0111 35. Dee (VRL-13383) - Úlftýr frá Jæja VH23-030-0049 36. Dee (VRL-13383) - Jovina frá Skíma VH23-030-0048 37. Tiikeri (VRL-10741) - Geysir frá Ljóma VH23-030-0078 38. aksu (VRL-00164) - Baldís frá Skógur VH12-030-0024 39. Jannica (VRL-04799) - Eftirlifandi frá Saulkrast VH19-030-0035 40. S (VRL-00329) - Yngri-Snjall frá Krossavatni VH22-030-0124 41. S (VRL-00329) - Odda frá Bakkviken VH22-030-0128 42. Tiikeri (VRL-10741) - Rútur frá Winmour VH22-030-0011 43. Tuulia T. (VRL-00084) - Blakkur frá Àrtali VH03-030-5921 44. Jannica (VRL-04799) - Sólargeisli frá Far gone Ice VH15-030-0092 45. Dee (VRL-13383) - Gnýfari frá Námys VH23-030-0082 46. aksu (VRL-00164) - Efadís frá Ljóma VH21-030-0132 47. Jannica (VRL-04799) - Indriði frá Daga VH20-030-0102 48. S (VRL-00329) - Alfdanr frá Hvinir VH22-030-0121 49. Dee (VRL-13383) - Ingjaldur frá Ljóma VH23-030-0083 50. S (VRL-00329) - Jórsalafari frá Vatnstörum VH22-030-0122 5. Passikoe PP.1 (5-käynt isl) 1. Dee (VRL-13383) - Enóla fra Kólibrí VH23-030-0046 2. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Neysla frá Ljóma VH20-030-0107 3. S (VRL-00329) - Eá-Frán frá Jökulnesi VH22-030-0125 4. Dee (VRL-13383) - Galdramaður fra Geimur VH23-030-0047 5. Tuulia T. (VRL-00084) - Eilíf frá Ljóma VH23-030-0111 6. Dee (VRL-13383) - Undri frá Winmour VH23-030-0081 7. S (VRL-00329) - Völsavilla frá Jón VH20-030-0080 8. aksu (VRL-00164) - Sámur frá Hugar VH21-030-0137 9. S (VRL-00329) - Myrta frá Skugglandi VH22-030-0127 10. Dee (VRL-13383) - Úlftýr frá Jæja VH23-030-0049 11. Tiikeri (VRL-10741) - Rútur frá Winmour VH22-030-0011 12. aksu (VRL-00164) - Leppa frá Hugar VH21-030-0133 13. Tiikeri (VRL-10741) - Svaðilfari frá Tígrishellir VH22-030-0056 14. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Álfalilja frá Ljóma VH20-030-0106 15. Dee (VRL-13383) - Gnýfari frá Námys VH23-030-0082 16. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Þyrill frá Gídeon VH20-030-0050 17. Jannica (VRL-04799) - Eftirlifandi frá Saulkrast VH19-030-0035 18. aksu (VRL-00164) - Flóki frá Hugar VH21-030-0135 19. S (VRL-00329) - Yngri-Snjall frá Krossavatni VH22-030-0124 20. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Hnalla frá Laekur VH21-030-0014 21. Dee (VRL-13383) - Trítla frá Winmour VH23-030-0080 22. S (VRL-00329) - Alfdanr frá Hvinir VH22-030-0121 23. Dee (VRL-13383) - Jovina frá Skíma VH23-030-0048 24. aksu (VRL-00164) - Silfrá frá Hugar VH21-030-0134 25. Dee (VRL-13383) - Ávallteik frá Fróðleikur VH23-030-0050 26. S (VRL-00329) - Jórsalafari frá Vatnstörum VH22-030-0122 27. Jannica (VRL-04799) - Indriði frá Daga VH20-030-0102 28. S (VRL-00329) - Svandís frá Skógur VH12-030-0188 29. Jannica (VRL-04799) - Stúfur frá Brosa VH22-030-0009 30. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Skrína frá Ljóma VH21-030-0018 31. S (VRL-00329) - Odda frá Bakkviken VH22-030-0128 32. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Hjaltína frá Suðuvik VH20-030-0099 33. Dee (VRL-13383) - Dekkja frá Jón VH23-030-0063 34. Jannica (VRL-04799) - Rútur fra Adina VH19-030-0034 35. Jannica (VRL-04799) - Móði frá Syndur VH16-030-0040 36. Tiikeri (VRL-10741) - Svana frá Ljóma VH22-030-0007 37. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Grímnir frá Gídeon VH20-030-0060 38. S (VRL-00329) - Ljósvíkingur frá Silur-Fossi VH22-030-0123 39. Dee (VRL-13383) - Ingjaldur frá Ljóma VH23-030-0083 40. Tiikeri (VRL-10741) - Geysir frá Ljóma VH23-030-0078 41. Jannica (VRL-04799) - Náttúlfur fra Adina VH21-030-0167 42. aksu (VRL-00164) - Efadís frá Ljóma VH21-030-0132 43. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Prímus frá Ljóma VH20-030-0032 44. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Eldur frá Ljóma VH20-030-0103 45. Tuulia T. (VRL-00084) - Mélnir frá Ljóma VH23-030-0112 46. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Hrani frá Ljóma VH20-030-0056 47. Jannica (VRL-04799) - Sólargeisli frá Far gone Ice VH15-030-0092 48. Tuulia T. (VRL-00084) - Blakkur frá Àrtali VH03-030-5921 49. S (VRL-00329) - Ísstjarna frá Hvitarholti VH22-030-0126 6. Speedpassi P.2 (5-käynt isl) 1. Dee (VRL-13383) - Ávallteik frá Fróðleikur VH23-030-0050 2. Tiikeri (VRL-10741) - Rútur frá Winmour VH22-030-0011 3. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Derrill frá Rósgarður VH21-030-0027 4. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Beygla frá Ljóma VH20-030-0054 5. S (VRL-00329) - Ísstjarna frá Hvitarholti VH22-030-0126 6. Dee (VRL-13383) - Jovina frá Skíma VH23-030-0048 7. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Elektra frá Delmenhorst VH20-030-0043 8. Dee (VRL-13383) - Trítla frá Winmour VH23-030-0080 9. Jannica (VRL-04799) - Sólargeisli frá Far gone Ice VH15-030-0092 10. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Beykir frá Ljóma VH20-030-0051 11. S (VRL-00329) - Svandís frá Skógur VH12-030-0188 12. aksu (VRL-00164) - Baldís frá Skógur VH12-030-0024 13. Dee (VRL-13383) - Undri frá Winmour VH23-030-0081 14. Tuulia T. (VRL-00084) - Eilíf frá Ljóma VH23-030-0111 15. Dee (VRL-13383) - Ingjaldur frá Ljóma VH23-030-0083 16. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Kátína frá Ljóma VH20-030-0081 17. Jannica (VRL-04799) - Indriði frá Daga VH20-030-0102 18. Tiikeri (VRL-10741) - Svana frá Ljóma VH22-030-0007 19. Jannica (VRL-04799) - Náttúlfur fra Adina VH21-030-0167 20. Tuulia T. (VRL-00084) - Blakkur frá Àrtali VH03-030-5921 21. S (VRL-00329) - Odda frá Bakkviken VH22-030-0128 22. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Ljóska frá Ljóma VH20-030-0052 23. S (VRL-00329) - Myrta frá Skugglandi VH22-030-0127 24. Tuulia T. (VRL-00084) - Mélnir frá Ljóma VH23-030-0112 25. Tiikeri (VRL-10741) - Svaðilfari frá Tígrishellir VH22-030-0056 26. Jannica (VRL-04799) - Móði frá Syndur VH16-030-0040 27. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Ásrún frá Ljósvík VH20-030-0049 28. Tiikeri (VRL-10741) - Geysir frá Ljóma VH23-030-0078 29. S (VRL-00329) - Völsavilla frá Jón VH20-030-0080 30. Jannica (VRL-04799) - Eftirlifandi frá Saulkrast VH19-030-0035 31. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Dagur frá Skalanmyr VH20-030-0095 32. Dee (VRL-13383) - Dekkja frá Jón VH23-030-0063 33. Dee (VRL-13383) - Gnýfari frá Námys VH23-030-0082 34. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Andvari frá Ljóma VH20-030-0057 35. Dee (VRL-13383) - Galdramaður fra Geimur VH23-030-0047 36. Jannica (VRL-04799) - Stúfur frá Brosa VH22-030-0009 37. S (VRL-00329) - Yngri-Snjall frá Krossavatni VH22-030-0124 38. Dee (VRL-13383) - Enóla fra Kólibrí VH23-030-0046 39. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Titja frá Ljóma VH20-030-0055 40. S (VRL-00329) - Alfdanr frá Hvinir VH22-030-0121 41. Jannica (VRL-04799) - Rútur fra Adina VH19-030-0034 42. S (VRL-00329) - Jórsalafari frá Vatnstörum VH22-030-0122 43. S (VRL-00329) - Eá-Frán frá Jökulnesi VH22-030-0125 44. Dee (VRL-13383) - Úlftýr frá Jæja VH23-030-0049 45. S (VRL-00329) - Ljósvíkingur frá Silur-Fossi VH22-030-0123 7. Slow Gait (sdb & nsh) 1. S (VRL-00329) - Fixen's Dance And Romance VH22-016-0040 2. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Jolly Baron Glow VH22-016-0004 3. S (VRL-00329) - Garland On Top GA VH18-016-0006 4. Mari H (VRL-05704) - CHR Dantálion VH21-016-0006 5. S (VRL-00329) - Brooklyn Gangster Glow VH20-016-0083 6. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Star Thistle Glow VH22-016-0003 7. S (VRL-00329) - Ballet Stiletto Nite GA VH22-016-0038 8. S (VRL-00329) - New Year Showman GA VH22-016-0036 9. S (VRL-00329) - Gotta Trot On GA VH22-016-0035 10. S (VRL-00329) - Catch Running Time GA VH22-016-0034 11. S (VRL-00329) - Divine Dauntless GA VH22-016-0039 12. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Boomboomkah Glow VH21-016-0046 13. Mari H (VRL-05704) - One Shot Glow VH21-016-0049 14. S (VRL-00329) - Dusty Creek King GA VH18-016-0004 15. Nintsu (VRL-01851) - Sierra Dreamcatcher VH22-078-0019 16. S (VRL-00329) - Hey-Hey My-My GA VH18-016-0007 8. Rack (sdb & nsh) 1. S (VRL-00329) - Fixen's Dance And Romance VH22-016-0040 2. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Jolly Baron Glow VH22-016-0004 3. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Star Thistle Glow VH22-016-0003 4. S (VRL-00329) - Dusty Creek King GA VH18-016-0004 5. S (VRL-00329) - Brooklyn Gangster Glow VH20-016-0083 6. S (VRL-00329) - New Year Showman GA VH22-016-0036 7. Mari H (VRL-05704) - One Shot Glow VH21-016-0049 8. S (VRL-00329) - Hey-Hey My-My GA VH18-016-0007 9. Mari H (VRL-05704) - CHR Dantálion VH21-016-0006 10. S (VRL-00329) - Divine Dauntless GA VH22-016-0039 11. S (VRL-00329) - Garland On Top GA VH18-016-0006 12. Nintsu (VRL-01851) - Sierra Dreamcatcher VH22-078-0019 13. S (VRL-00329) - Ballet Stiletto Nite GA VH22-016-0038 14. S (VRL-00329) - Catch Running Time GA VH22-016-0034 15. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Boomboomkah Glow VH21-016-0046 16. S (VRL-00329) - Gotta Trot On GA VH22-016-0035 9. 5-käynti (sdb & nsh) 1. S (VRL-00329) - New Year Showman GA VH22-016-0036 2. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Boomboomkah Glow VH21-016-0046 3. S (VRL-00329) - Divine Dauntless GA VH22-016-0039 4. Mari H (VRL-05704) - One Shot Glow VH21-016-0049 5. S (VRL-00329) - Hey-Hey My-My GA VH18-016-0007 6. S (VRL-00329) - Catch Running Time GA VH22-016-0034 7. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Jolly Baron Glow VH22-016-0004 8. S (VRL-00329) - Gotta Trot On GA VH22-016-0035 9. S (VRL-00329) - Garland On Top GA VH18-016-0006 10. Mari H (VRL-05704) - CHR Dantálion VH21-016-0006 11. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Star Thistle Glow VH22-016-0003 12. S (VRL-00329) - Dusty Creek King GA VH18-016-0004 13. S (VRL-00329) - Fixen's Dance And Romance VH22-016-0040 14. Nintsu (VRL-01851) - Sierra Dreamcatcher VH22-078-0019 15. S (VRL-00329) - Brooklyn Gangster Glow VH20-016-0083 16. S (VRL-00329) - Ballet Stiletto Nite GA VH22-016-0038 10. Nelitahtikäynti (twh) 1. S (VRL-00329) - Okeechobee Ion VH15-019-0039 2. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Dreighton Glow VH22-019-0008 3. S (VRL-00329) - Upper Class Glow VH22-019-0016 4. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Bam Bam Bailey VH21-019-0072 5. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Wonderful Years VH22-019-0049 6. S (VRL-00329) - Hazard's Maple Syrup VH21-019-0039 7. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Hazard's Desert Storm VH21-019-0029 8. S (VRL-00329) - Nonstop Ion VH17-019-0070 9. Mari H (VRL-05704) - CHR Inflict Doesca VH21-019-0012 10. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Overrule VH20-019-0072 11. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Moon of Arizona VH21-019-0011 12. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Liberty Rules Glow VH22-019-0009 13. S (VRL-00329) - Commander's Brigitta McBridge VH20-019-0041 14. S (VRL-00329) - DLHS Trouble Seeker VH20-019-0043 15. S (VRL-00329) - The Spy Who Loved Me VH16-019-0004 16. S (VRL-00329) - Reno's One Last Bullet VH22-019-0041 17. S (VRL-00329) - Commander's Avada Kedavra VH19-019-0002 18. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Hazard's Gold Coast VH21-019-0028 19. S (VRL-00329) - Dance With The Devil GA VH22-019-0039 20. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Hazard's Lucky Impling VH17-019-0060 11. Juoksukäynti (twh) 1. S (VRL-00329) - DLHS Trouble Seeker VH20-019-0043 2. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Wonderful Years VH22-019-0049 3. Mari H (VRL-05704) - CHR Inflict Doesca VH21-019-0012 4. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Bam Bam Bailey VH21-019-0072 5. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Liberty Rules Glow VH22-019-0009 6. S (VRL-00329) - Commander's Avada Kedavra VH19-019-0002 7. S (VRL-00329) - The Spy Who Loved Me VH16-019-0004 8. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Hazard's Desert Storm VH21-019-0029 9. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Moon of Arizona VH21-019-0011 10. S (VRL-00329) - Upper Class Glow VH22-019-0016 11. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Overrule VH20-019-0072 12. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Hazard's Gold Coast VH21-019-0028 13. S (VRL-00329) - Dance With The Devil GA VH22-019-0039 14. S (VRL-00329) - Okeechobee Ion VH15-019-0039 15. S (VRL-00329) - Commander's Brigitta McBridge VH20-019-0041 16. S (VRL-00329) - Hazard's Maple Syrup VH21-019-0039 17. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Hazard's Lucky Impling VH17-019-0060 18. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Dreighton Glow VH22-019-0008 19. S (VRL-00329) - Nonstop Ion VH17-019-0070 20. S (VRL-00329) - Reno's One Last Bullet VH22-019-0041 12. Keinutuolilaukka (twh) 1. S (VRL-00329) - The Spy Who Loved Me VH16-019-0004 2. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Overrule VH20-019-0072 3. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Bam Bam Bailey VH21-019-0072 4. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Hazard's Gold Coast VH21-019-0028 5. S (VRL-00329) - Okeechobee Ion VH15-019-0039 6. S (VRL-00329) - Commander's Brigitta McBridge VH20-019-0041 7. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Dreighton Glow VH22-019-0008 8. S (VRL-00329) - Commander's Avada Kedavra VH19-019-0002 9. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Moon of Arizona VH21-019-0011 10. S (VRL-00329) - Nonstop Ion VH17-019-0070 11. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Hazard's Desert Storm VH21-019-0029 12. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Hazard's Lucky Impling VH17-019-0060 13. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Liberty Rules Glow VH22-019-0009 14. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Wonderful Years VH22-019-0049 15. S (VRL-00329) - Hazard's Maple Syrup VH21-019-0039 16. S (VRL-00329) - Dance With The Devil GA VH22-019-0039 17. S (VRL-00329) - DLHS Trouble Seeker VH20-019-0043 18. S (VRL-00329) - Upper Class Glow VH22-019-0016 19. S (VRL-00329) - Reno's One Last Bullet VH22-019-0041 20. Mari H (VRL-05704) - CHR Inflict Doesca VH21-019-0012 13. 3-käynti (muut rodut kuin yo.) 1. S (VRL-00329) - Magnum's Larry Riddle VH21-009-0015 2. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Platinum Tornado Ion VH20-072-0047 3. S (VRL-00329) - Show Some Hubris GA VH23-009-0011 4. S (VRL-00329) - Andantina GA VH23-009-0008 5. Jannica (VRL-04799) - Priya Arnesh VH18-050-0011 6. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Diamond Dust Delm VH20-072-0054 7. S (VRL-00329) - GCR's Solid Gold VH21-009-0012 8. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Delmara Glow VH21-072-0007 9. S (VRL-00329) - Ion's Code Of Conduct VH22-009-0020 10. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Lighthearthed Ion VH20-072-0048 11. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Heartdust Glow VH21-072-0031 12. Jannica (VRL-04799) - Vitor VH20-082-0001 13. S (VRL-00329) - Fairglen's Amigo B. VH21-009-0011 14. S (VRL-00329) - Concierge Kay GA VH23-009-0007 15. S (VRL-00329) - Welsey's Desert Thunder VH21-009-0072 16. S (VRL-00329) - Date With Dandy GA VH23-009-0009 17. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Old Rose Blues VH20-072-0051 18. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Dolly Glow VH21-072-0029 19. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Nebuchadnezzar Glow VH21-072-0030 20. S (VRL-00329) - Full Honors GA VH23-009-0005 21. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Etheldreda Glow VH21-072-0032 14. 4-käynti (muut rodut kuin yo.) 1. S (VRL-00329) - Date With Dandy GA VH23-009-0009 2. S (VRL-00329) - Concierge Kay GA VH23-009-0007 3. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Nebuchadnezzar Glow VH21-072-0030 4. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Old Rose Blues VH20-072-0051 5. S (VRL-00329) - Magnum's Larry Riddle VH21-009-0015 6. S (VRL-00329) - Ion's Code Of Conduct VH22-009-0020 7. Jannica (VRL-04799) - Priya Arnesh VH18-050-0011 8. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Heartdust Glow VH21-072-0031 9. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Etheldreda Glow VH21-072-0032 10. S (VRL-00329) - Fairglen's Amigo B. VH21-009-0011 11. S (VRL-00329) - Full Honors GA VH23-009-0005 12. S (VRL-00329) - Welsey's Desert Thunder VH21-009-0072 13. S (VRL-00329) - GCR's Solid Gold VH21-009-0012 14. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Diamond Dust Delm VH20-072-0054 15. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Lighthearthed Ion VH20-072-0048 16. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Delmara Glow VH21-072-0007 17. Jannica (VRL-04799) - Vitor VH20-082-0001 18. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Platinum Tornado Ion VH20-072-0047 19. S (VRL-00329) - Show Some Hubris GA VH23-009-0011 20. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Dolly Glow VH21-072-0029 21. S (VRL-00329) - Andantina GA VH23-009-0008 15. 5-käynti (muut rodut kuin yo.) 1. Jannica (VRL-04799) - Vitor VH20-082-0001 2. S (VRL-00329) - Ion's Code Of Conduct VH22-009-0020 3. S (VRL-00329) - Fairglen's Amigo B. VH21-009-0011 4. Jannica (VRL-04799) - Priya Arnesh VH18-050-0011 5. S (VRL-00329) - Welsey's Desert Thunder VH21-009-0072 6. S (VRL-00329) - GCR's Solid Gold VH21-009-0012 7. S (VRL-00329) - Magnum's Larry Riddle VH21-009-0015 8. S (VRL-00329) - Andantina GA VH23-009-0008 9. S (VRL-00329) - Concierge Kay GA VH23-009-0007 10. S (VRL-00329) - Full Honors GA VH23-009-0005 11. S (VRL-00329) - Date With Dandy GA VH23-009-0009 12. S (VRL-00329) - Show Some Hubris GA VH23-009-0011


16. Classic Pleasure 1. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Get Your Wish Glow VH21-059-0031 2. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Telemakhos Glow VH20-059-0068 3. S (VRL-00329) - Korel Caesario ox VH20-003-0025 4. S (VRL-00329) - Korel Fareddin ox VH20-003-0026 5. S (VRL-00329) - Armani Tess ox VH22-003-0092 6. S (VRL-00329) - Bataarah Najeeb ox VH23-003-0033 7. Nintsu (VRL-01851) - Falafl Ahmar ox VH22-003-0119 8. S (VRL-00329) - Fanya Tedjani ox VH23-003-0091 9. S (VRL-00329) - Mehran Mashallah ox VH22-003-0108 10. Nintsu (VRL-01851) - Yaqtin ox VH22-003-0115 11. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Lipstick Lies Delm VH19-019-0001 12. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Destination Somewhere Glow VH21-059-0032 13. Nintsu (VRL-01851) - Khiar ox VH22-003-0116 14. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Cygnus Glow VH21-072-0028 15. S (VRL-00329) - Narses Tess ox VH22-003-0095 16. S (VRL-00329) - Yaron Tajalddin ox VH22-003-0179 17. S (VRL-00329) - Jeza Carezys ox VH20-003-0023 18. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Blonde Wraith Glow VH21-059-0029 19. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Wida al Qssim VH19-003-0095 20. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Get Your Guns VH20-059-0058 21. S (VRL-00329) - Zenabu GA ox VH22-003-0209 22. Nintsu (VRL-01851) - Kusa ox VH22-003-0118 17. Classic Pleasure Driving 1. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Lipstick Lies Delm VH19-019-0001 2. S (VRL-00329) - Korel Fareddin ox VH20-003-0026 3. S (VRL-00329) - Armani Tess ox VH22-003-0092 4. S (VRL-00329) - Yaron Tajalddin ox VH22-003-0179 5. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Cygnus Glow VH21-072-0028 6. Nintsu (VRL-01851) - Khiar ox VH22-003-0116 7. Nintsu (VRL-01851) - Kusa ox VH22-003-0118 8. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Destination Somewhere Glow VH21-059-0032 9. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Blonde Wraith Glow VH21-059-0029 10. S (VRL-00329) - Zenabu GA ox VH22-003-0209 11. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Wida al Qssim VH19-003-0095 12. S (VRL-00329) - Korel Caesario ox VH20-003-0025 13. S (VRL-00329) - Bataarah Najeeb ox VH23-003-0033 14. Nintsu (VRL-01851) - Falafl Ahmar ox VH22-003-0119 15. S (VRL-00329) - Mehran Mashallah ox VH22-003-0108 16. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Get Your Guns VH20-059-0058 17. S (VRL-00329) - Fanya Tedjani ox VH23-003-0091 18. Nintsu (VRL-01851) - Yaqtin ox VH22-003-0115 19. S (VRL-00329) - Narses Tess ox VH22-003-0095 20. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Get Your Wish Glow VH21-059-0031 21. S (VRL-00329) - Jeza Carezys ox VH20-003-0023 22. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Telemakhos Glow VH20-059-0068 18. Classic Country Combination 1. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Destination Somewhere Glow VH21-059-0032 2. S (VRL-00329) - Fanya Tedjani ox VH23-003-0091 3. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Lipstick Lies Delm VH19-019-0001 4. Nintsu (VRL-01851) - Yaqtin ox VH22-003-0115 5. S (VRL-00329) - Armani Tess ox VH22-003-0092 6. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Get Your Wish Glow VH21-059-0031 7. Nintsu (VRL-01851) - Khiar ox VH22-003-0116 8. S (VRL-00329) - Bataarah Najeeb ox VH23-003-0033 9. S (VRL-00329) - Korel Caesario ox VH20-003-0025 10. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Blonde Wraith Glow VH21-059-0029 11. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Cygnus Glow VH21-072-0028 12. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Telemakhos Glow VH20-059-0068 13. S (VRL-00329) - Narses Tess ox VH22-003-0095 14. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Wida al Qssim VH19-003-0095 15. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Get Your Guns VH20-059-0058 16. S (VRL-00329) - Jeza Carezys ox VH20-003-0023 17. S (VRL-00329) - Zenabu GA ox VH22-003-0209 18. S (VRL-00329) - Yaron Tajalddin ox VH22-003-0179 19. S (VRL-00329) - Mehran Mashallah ox VH22-003-0108 20. S (VRL-00329) - Korel Fareddin ox VH20-003-0026 21. Nintsu (VRL-01851) - Falafl Ahmar ox VH22-003-0119 22. Nintsu (VRL-01851) - Kusa ox VH22-003-0118 19. Country Pleasure 1. S (VRL-00329) - Cirrus al Wim ox VH22-003-0093 2. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Holiday Jingle VH20-019-0075 3. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Akilah Glow VH21-003-0092 4. S (VRL-00329) - Nawar Nuri ox VH23-003-0074 5. S (VRL-00329) - Maqdisi Bejazit ox VH22-003-0215 6. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Brooklyn Queen Hazard VH20-016-0037 7. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Wasie al Eshiq VH17-003-0142 8. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Nasira ox VH18-003-0069 9. S (VRL-00329) - Indya Ghasharab ox VH22-003-0163 10. S (VRL-00329) - Fanya Marzouk ox VH23-003-0180 11. S (VRL-00329) - MJA Nazariy ox VH22-003-0193 12. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Glorious Sailor Glow VH22-019-0007 13. S (VRL-00329) - Ozir Eragon ox VH21-003-0058 14. S (VRL-00329) - Jihad Yezzan ox VH23-003-0089 15. S (VRL-00329) - Anjum Haamid ox VH23-003-0141 16. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Turning In Grave Glow VH22-019-0004 17. S (VRL-00329) - Mehran Yaseer ox VH23-003-0081 20. Country Pleasure Driving 1. S (VRL-00329) - Nawar Nuri ox VH23-003-0074 2. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Nasira ox VH18-003-0069 3. S (VRL-00329) - MJA Nazariy ox VH22-003-0193 4. S (VRL-00329) - Maqdisi Bejazit ox VH22-003-0215 5. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Turning In Grave Glow VH22-019-0004 6. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Akilah Glow VH21-003-0092 7. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Brooklyn Queen Hazard VH20-016-0037 8. S (VRL-00329) - Jihad Yezzan ox VH23-003-0089 9. S (VRL-00329) - Indya Ghasharab ox VH22-003-0163 10. S (VRL-00329) - Anjum Haamid ox VH23-003-0141 11. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Holiday Jingle VH20-019-0075 12. S (VRL-00329) - Mehran Yaseer ox VH23-003-0081 13. S (VRL-00329) - Ozir Eragon ox VH21-003-0058 14. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Glorious Sailor Glow VH22-019-0007 15. S (VRL-00329) - Fanya Marzouk ox VH23-003-0180 16. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Wasie al Eshiq VH17-003-0142 17. S (VRL-00329) - Cirrus al Wim ox VH22-003-0093 21. Country Combination 1. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Holiday Jingle VH20-019-0075 2. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Brooklyn Queen Hazard VH20-016-0037 3. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Turning In Grave Glow VH22-019-0004 4. S (VRL-00329) - MJA Nazariy ox VH22-003-0193 5. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Wasie al Eshiq VH17-003-0142 6. S (VRL-00329) - Ozir Eragon ox VH21-003-0058 7. S (VRL-00329) - Jihad Yezzan ox VH23-003-0089 8. S (VRL-00329) - Fanya Marzouk ox VH23-003-0180 9. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Akilah Glow VH21-003-0092 10. S (VRL-00329) - Anjum Haamid ox VH23-003-0141 11. S (VRL-00329) - Cirrus al Wim ox VH22-003-0093 12. S (VRL-00329) - Nawar Nuri ox VH23-003-0074 13. S (VRL-00329) - Mehran Yaseer ox VH23-003-0081 14. S (VRL-00329) - Indya Ghasharab ox VH22-003-0163 15. S (VRL-00329) - Maqdisi Bejazit ox VH22-003-0215 16. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Glorious Sailor Glow VH22-019-0007 17. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Nasira ox VH18-003-0069 22. English Pleasure 1. Nintsu (VRL-01851) - Wae'sh el Taue ox VH22-003-0121 2. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Punto Banco Glow VH20-016-0087 3. Nintsu (VRL-01851) - Fasulya ox VH22-003-0120 4. Nintsu (VRL-01851) - Albadhinjan ox VH22-003-0114 5. S (VRL-00329) - Crane Kasanje ox VH23-003-0097 6. S (VRL-00329) - Mabila ox VH21-003-0084 7. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Coffee Heist Glow VH21-059-0030 8. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Starburst Glow VH21-016-0047 9. S (VRL-00329) - Beyazid GA ox VH22-003-0206 10. S (VRL-00329) - MJA Qamar al Badr ox VH22-003-0194 11. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Hazard's Goldenrod VH17-019-0103 12. S (VRL-00329) - Aziza Saipan ox VH22-003-0130 13. Nintsu (VRL-01851) - Artemio al Almas VH21-003-0050 14. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Waheeda Glow VH21-003-0093 15. S (VRL-00329) - Elfat Firoz ox VH23-003-0151 16. S (VRL-00329) - Amab Maarouf ox VH22-003-0139 17. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Goldenmosa Glow VH22-019-0010 18. Nintsu (VRL-01851) - Qarnabit Abyad ox VH22-003-0117 19. S (VRL-00329) - Umaira Barkhad ox VH23-003-0038 20. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Stairway To Grave VH20-019-0065 21. S (VRL-00329) - Ozir Bakri Shai ox VH22-003-0097 22. S (VRL-00329) - Jeza Erastos ox VH23-003-0162 23. English Pleasure Driving 1. Nintsu (VRL-01851) - Artemio al Almas VH21-003-0050 2. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Stairway To Grave VH20-019-0065 3. S (VRL-00329) - Aziza Saipan ox VH22-003-0130 4. Nintsu (VRL-01851) - Fasulya ox VH22-003-0120 5. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Goldenmosa Glow VH22-019-0010 6. Nintsu (VRL-01851) - Qarnabit Abyad ox VH22-003-0117 7. Nintsu (VRL-01851) - Wae'sh el Taue ox VH22-003-0121 8. S (VRL-00329) - Jeza Erastos ox VH23-003-0162 9. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Coffee Heist Glow VH21-059-0030 10. S (VRL-00329) - Ozir Bakri Shai ox VH22-003-0097 11. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Waheeda Glow VH21-003-0093 12. S (VRL-00329) - Amab Maarouf ox VH22-003-0139 13. S (VRL-00329) - MJA Qamar al Badr ox VH22-003-0194 14. S (VRL-00329) - Beyazid GA ox VH22-003-0206 15. S (VRL-00329) - Umaira Barkhad ox VH23-003-0038 16. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Punto Banco Glow VH20-016-0087 17. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Hazard's Goldenrod VH17-019-0103 18. Nintsu (VRL-01851) - Albadhinjan ox VH22-003-0114 19. S (VRL-00329) - Elfat Firoz ox VH23-003-0151 20. S (VRL-00329) - Crane Kasanje ox VH23-003-0097 21. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Starburst Glow VH21-016-0047 22. S (VRL-00329) - Mabila ox VH21-003-0084 24. Informal Combination 1. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Starburst Glow VH21-016-0047 2. S (VRL-00329) - MJA Qamar al Badr ox VH22-003-0194 3. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Stairway To Grave VH20-019-0065 4. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Waheeda Glow VH21-003-0093 5. S (VRL-00329) - Beyazid GA ox VH22-003-0206 6. S (VRL-00329) - Ozir Bakri Shai ox VH22-003-0097 7. S (VRL-00329) - Aziza Saipan ox VH22-003-0130 8. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Punto Banco Glow VH20-016-0087 9. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Hazard's Goldenrod VH17-019-0103 10. Nintsu (VRL-01851) - Qarnabit Abyad ox VH22-003-0117 11. S (VRL-00329) - Crane Kasanje ox VH23-003-0097 12. S (VRL-00329) - Elfat Firoz ox VH23-003-0151 13. Nintsu (VRL-01851) - Fasulya ox VH22-003-0120 14. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Goldenmosa Glow VH22-019-0010 15. S (VRL-00329) - Umaira Barkhad ox VH23-003-0038 16. Nintsu (VRL-01851) - Albadhinjan ox VH22-003-0114 17. Nintsu (VRL-01851) - Artemio al Almas VH21-003-0050 18. S (VRL-00329) - Jeza Erastos ox VH23-003-0162 19. S (VRL-00329) - Amab Maarouf ox VH22-003-0139 20. S (VRL-00329) - Mabila ox VH21-003-0084 21. Nintsu (VRL-01851) - Wae'sh el Taue ox VH22-003-0121 22. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Coffee Heist Glow VH21-059-0030 25. Show Pleasure 1. S (VRL-00329) - Jeza Gatanes ox VH23-003-0163 2. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Cloudberry Glow VH21-059-0027 3. Tiikeri (VRL-10741) - Gamilah Cave ox VH23-003-0018 4. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Primadonna Glow VH22-019-0005 5. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Galila Glow VH21-003-0090 6. Tiikeri (VRL-10741) - Hidwarads Jeles ox VH22-003-0016 7. S (VRL-00329) - Ozir Dandan ox VH22-003-0184 8. Tiikeri (VRL-10741) - Taktik Mjateshnik ox VH12-003-0183 9. S (VRL-00329) - Mikeno Mavriki ox VH23-003-0136 10. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Wolf Creek Imperio VH22-019-0011 11. Tiikeri (VRL-10741) - Suzairah Cave ox VH23-003-0019 12. S (VRL-00329) - Narza Theocles ox VH23-003-0175 13. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Siciliano Glow VH20-016-0086 14. S (VRL-00329) - Fahmi Adiye GA ox VH22-003-0207 15. S (VRL-00329) - Ozir Madani ox VH23-003-0077 16. S (VRL-00329) - Qirah Beyhan ox VH22-003-0218 17. Tiikeri (VRL-10741) - Galiah Glow ox VH22-003-0013 18. S (VRL-00329) - Coral Ghatouan ox VH22-003-0034 19. S (VRL-00329) - Saint Demostratos ox VH23-003-0090 20. S (VRL-00329) - Ozir Oualid ox VH22-003-0185 26. Show Pleasure Driving 1. S (VRL-00329) - Saint Demostratos ox VH23-003-0090 2. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Cloudberry Glow VH21-059-0027 3. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Wolf Creek Imperio VH22-019-0011 4. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Siciliano Glow VH20-016-0086 5. S (VRL-00329) - Qirah Beyhan ox VH22-003-0218 6. Tiikeri (VRL-10741) - Taktik Mjateshnik ox VH12-003-0183 7. S (VRL-00329) - Ozir Dandan ox VH22-003-0184 8. Tiikeri (VRL-10741) - Galiah Glow ox VH22-003-0013 9. Tiikeri (VRL-10741) - Suzairah Cave ox VH23-003-0019 10. S (VRL-00329) - Coral Ghatouan ox VH22-003-0034 11. S (VRL-00329) - Jeza Gatanes ox VH23-003-0163 12. S (VRL-00329) - Ozir Oualid ox VH22-003-0185 13. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Galila Glow VH21-003-0090 14. Tiikeri (VRL-10741) - Gamilah Cave ox VH23-003-0018 15. S (VRL-00329) - Ozir Madani ox VH23-003-0077 16. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Primadonna Glow VH22-019-0005 17. S (VRL-00329) - Mikeno Mavriki ox VH23-003-0136 18. S (VRL-00329) - Narza Theocles ox VH23-003-0175 19. S (VRL-00329) - Fahmi Adiye GA ox VH22-003-0207 20. Tiikeri (VRL-10741) - Hidwarads Jeles ox VH22-003-0016 27. Informal Show Combination 1. S (VRL-00329) - Ozir Madani ox VH23-003-0077 2. Tiikeri (VRL-10741) - Taktik Mjateshnik ox VH12-003-0183 3. Tiikeri (VRL-10741) - Gamilah Cave ox VH23-003-0018 4. S (VRL-00329) - Qirah Beyhan ox VH22-003-0218 5. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Galila Glow VH21-003-0090 6. S (VRL-00329) - Jeza Gatanes ox VH23-003-0163 7. S (VRL-00329) - Mikeno Mavriki ox VH23-003-0136 8. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Siciliano Glow VH20-016-0086 9. Tiikeri (VRL-10741) - Hidwarads Jeles ox VH22-003-0016 10. S (VRL-00329) - Saint Demostratos ox VH23-003-0090 11. Tiikeri (VRL-10741) - Galiah Glow ox VH22-003-0013 12. S (VRL-00329) - Ozir Oualid ox VH22-003-0185 13. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Cloudberry Glow VH21-059-0027 14. S (VRL-00329) - Ozir Dandan ox VH22-003-0184 15. S (VRL-00329) - Fahmi Adiye GA ox VH22-003-0207 16. S (VRL-00329) - Narza Theocles ox VH23-003-0175 17. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Wolf Creek Imperio VH22-019-0011 18. S (VRL-00329) - Coral Ghatouan ox VH22-003-0034 19. Tiikeri (VRL-10741) - Suzairah Cave ox VH23-003-0019 20. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Primadonna Glow VH22-019-0005 28. Park 1. S (VRL-00329) - Badieh Om Ragab ox VH23-003-0146 2. S (VRL-00329) - MJA Mus'ad al Nour ox VH22-003-0192 3. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Razzle-Dazzle Ion VH21-016-0014 4. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Starry Cat Blues VH20-016-0076 5. S (VRL-00329) - Badieh Mafusail ox VH22-003-0165 6. S (VRL-00329) - Fanya Jahlil ox VH23-003-0075 7. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Kiss Me Goodbye Ion VH21-019-0026 8. S (VRL-00329) - Fiddat Hyksos ox VH23-003-0178 9. S (VRL-00329) - Labwah Sayfur ox VH22-003-0214 10. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Starry Disaster Glow VH21-016-0048 11. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Golden Touch Glow VH22-019-0006 12. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Duvemoh VH20-059-0063 13. S (VRL-00329) - Taquez al-Amir ox VH22-003-0096 14. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Tears of the Sun VH21-059-0015 15. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Hardcore Glow VH21-059-0028 16. S (VRL-00329) - Zefir Jirjis ox VH23-003-0002 17. S (VRL-00329) - Saifanur GA ox VH22-003-0208 18. S (VRL-00329) - Prezyk MJA ox VH21-003-0185 29. Park Harness 1. S (VRL-00329) - MJA Mus'ad al Nour ox VH22-003-0192 2. S (VRL-00329) - Taquez al-Amir ox VH22-003-0096 3. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Starry Cat Blues VH20-016-0076 4. S (VRL-00329) - Zefir Jirjis ox VH23-003-0002 5. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Hardcore Glow VH21-059-0028 6. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Golden Touch Glow VH22-019-0006 7. S (VRL-00329) - Badieh Om Ragab ox VH23-003-0146 8. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Starry Disaster Glow VH21-016-0048 9. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Razzle-Dazzle Ion VH21-016-0014 10. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Tears of the Sun VH21-059-0015 11. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Duvemoh VH20-059-0063 12. S (VRL-00329) - Labwah Sayfur ox VH22-003-0214 13. S (VRL-00329) - Badieh Mafusail ox VH22-003-0165 14. S (VRL-00329) - Fiddat Hyksos ox VH23-003-0178 15. S (VRL-00329) - Fanya Jahlil ox VH23-003-0075 16. S (VRL-00329) - Saifanur GA ox VH22-003-0208 17. S (VRL-00329) - Prezyk MJA ox VH21-003-0185 18. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Kiss Me Goodbye Ion VH21-019-0026 30. Formal Combination 1. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Starry Cat Blues VH20-016-0076 2. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Tears of the Sun VH21-059-0015 3. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Golden Touch Glow VH22-019-0006 4. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Kiss Me Goodbye Ion VH21-019-0026 5. S (VRL-00329) - Saifanur GA ox VH22-003-0208 6. S (VRL-00329) - Taquez al-Amir ox VH22-003-0096 7. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Razzle-Dazzle Ion VH21-016-0014 8. S (VRL-00329) - Fiddat Hyksos ox VH23-003-0178 9. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Duvemoh VH20-059-0063 10. S (VRL-00329) - Fanya Jahlil ox VH23-003-0075 11. S (VRL-00329) - Zefir Jirjis ox VH23-003-0002 12. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Hardcore Glow VH21-059-0028 13. S (VRL-00329) - Badieh Mafusail ox VH22-003-0165 14. S (VRL-00329) - Labwah Sayfur ox VH22-003-0214 15. S (VRL-00329) - Badieh Om Ragab ox VH23-003-0146 16. S (VRL-00329) - Prezyk MJA ox VH21-003-0185 17. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Starry Disaster Glow VH21-016-0048 18. S (VRL-00329) - MJA Mus'ad al Nour ox VH22-003-0192


31. Pleasure Driving 1. S (VRL-00329) - Posh Spice Ion VH23-047-0004 2. S (VRL-00329) - Direcus GA VH22-198-0007 3. S (VRL-00329) - Lenneke Ion VH23-198-0002 4. S (VRL-00329) - Zelenthe GA VH22-198-0013 5. S (VRL-00329) - Wychbrook Yours Truly VH22-047-0006 6. S (VRL-00329) - Leantje GA VH22-198-0011 7. S (VRL-00329) - Traver's Ginger Spice VH22-047-0010 8. S (VRL-00329) - Aswindijk Ion VH23-198-0004 9. S (VRL-00329) - Trial By Media Ion VH23-047-0028 10. S (VRL-00329) - Traver's Making Headlines VH22-047-0005 32. Pleasure Driving 1. S (VRL-00329) - Aswindijk Ion VH23-198-0004 2. S (VRL-00329) - Wychbrook Yours Truly VH22-047-0006 3. S (VRL-00329) - Traver's Ginger Spice VH22-047-0010 4. S (VRL-00329) - Leantje GA VH22-198-0011 5. S (VRL-00329) - Posh Spice Ion VH23-047-0004 6. S (VRL-00329) - Direcus GA VH22-198-0007 7. S (VRL-00329) - Lenneke Ion VH23-198-0002 8. S (VRL-00329) - Traver's Making Headlines VH22-047-0005 9. S (VRL-00329) - Zelenthe GA VH22-198-0013 10. S (VRL-00329) - Trial By Media Ion VH23-047-0028 33. Pleasure Driving 1. S (VRL-00329) - Posh Spice Ion VH23-047-0004 2. S (VRL-00329) - Wychbrook Yours Truly VH22-047-0006 3. S (VRL-00329) - Aswindijk Ion VH23-198-0004 4. S (VRL-00329) - Trial By Media Ion VH23-047-0028 5. S (VRL-00329) - Traver's Making Headlines VH22-047-0005 6. S (VRL-00329) - Zelenthe GA VH22-198-0013 7. S (VRL-00329) - Lenneke Ion VH23-198-0002 8. S (VRL-00329) - Leantje GA VH22-198-0011 9. S (VRL-00329) - Direcus GA VH22-198-0007 10. S (VRL-00329) - Traver's Ginger Spice VH22-047-0010 34. Fine Harness 1. S (VRL-00329) - Drama King VH22-047-0014 2. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Summer Love Glow VH21-085-0024 3. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Lonely Island's Baylee VH22-085-0033 4. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Rainstorm Sun VH21-085-0031 5. S (VRL-00329) - Albert Park Vicereine VH22-047-0007 6. S (VRL-00329) - Riksteen GA VH22-198-0012 7. S (VRL-00329) - Craigfleet Final Touch VH22-047-0011 8. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Classic Magic Glow VH21-085-0025 9. S (VRL-00329) - Tjaard Ion VH22-198-0001 10. S (VRL-00329) - Arnoldijk GA VH22-198-0006 11. S (VRL-00329) - Ozir Elios ox VH21-003-0057 12. S (VRL-00329) - Rufijnus GA VH22-198-0009 13. S (VRL-00329) - Armendijk Ion VH23-198-0003 14. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Skydancer's Magnolia VH22-085-0001 15. S (VRL-00329) - Arendine Ion VH22-198-0002 16. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Hey Classy Girl VH20-085-0024 35. Fine Harness 1. S (VRL-00329) - Riksteen GA VH22-198-0012 2. S (VRL-00329) - Arendine Ion VH22-198-0002 3. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Hey Classy Girl VH20-085-0024 4. S (VRL-00329) - Tjaard Ion VH22-198-0001 5. S (VRL-00329) - Drama King VH22-047-0014 6. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Classic Magic Glow VH21-085-0025 7. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Lonely Island's Baylee VH22-085-0033 8. S (VRL-00329) - Ozir Elios ox VH21-003-0057 9. S (VRL-00329) - Craigfleet Final Touch VH22-047-0011 10. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Rainstorm Sun VH21-085-0031 11. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Skydancer's Magnolia VH22-085-0001 12. S (VRL-00329) - Armendijk Ion VH23-198-0003 13. S (VRL-00329) - Arnoldijk GA VH22-198-0006 14. S (VRL-00329) - Rufijnus GA VH22-198-0009 15. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Summer Love Glow VH21-085-0024 16. S (VRL-00329) - Albert Park Vicereine VH22-047-0007 36. Fine Harness 1. S (VRL-00329) - Craigfleet Final Touch VH22-047-0011 2. S (VRL-00329) - Rufijnus GA VH22-198-0009 3. S (VRL-00329) - Ozir Elios ox VH21-003-0057 4. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Hey Classy Girl VH20-085-0024 5. S (VRL-00329) - Arendine Ion VH22-198-0002 6. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Lonely Island's Baylee VH22-085-0033 7. S (VRL-00329) - Armendijk Ion VH23-198-0003 8. S (VRL-00329) - Riksteen GA VH22-198-0012 9. S (VRL-00329) - Tjaard Ion VH22-198-0001 10. S (VRL-00329) - Albert Park Vicereine VH22-047-0007 11. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Classic Magic Glow VH21-085-0025 12. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Skydancer's Magnolia VH22-085-0001 13. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Summer Love Glow VH21-085-0024 14. Mari H (VRL-05704) - Rainstorm Sun VH21-085-0031 15. S (VRL-00329) - Arnoldijk GA VH22-198-0006 16. S (VRL-00329) - Drama King VH22-047-0014 37. Roadster 1. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - PP's Tamkje VH19-040-0003 2. S (VRL-00329) - Juriën GA VH22-198-0008 3. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Glenwood Caramel Latte VH21-022-0013 4. S (VRL-00329) - Ardcourt Golden Scotch VH22-047-0003 5. S (VRL-00329) - Ellemiete GA VH22-198-0010 6. S (VRL-00329) - Ellamira Ion VH23-198-0001 7. S (VRL-00329) - Drama Drianna Ion VH23-047-0023 8. S (VRL-00329) - Lo-Lo-Lovebird Ion VH23-047-0006 9. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Llygedyn Hwdwch VH21-026-0015 10. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Juwiel van Khim VH20-040-0148 11. S (VRL-00329) - V. Barracuda VH21-047-0017 12. S (VRL-00329) - Ingmere Tridecima VH22-047-0009 13. S (VRL-00329) - Triple Queen Ion VH23-047-0024 14. S (VRL-00329) - Daleduff La-Di-Da VH22-047-0008 15. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Hwiangerdd VH21-026-0098 38. Roadster 1. S (VRL-00329) - Ingmere Tridecima VH22-047-0009 2. S (VRL-00329) - Daleduff La-Di-Da VH22-047-0008 3. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Llygedyn Hwdwch VH21-026-0015 4. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Juwiel van Khim VH20-040-0148 5. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - PP's Tamkje VH19-040-0003 6. S (VRL-00329) - Triple Queen Ion VH23-047-0024 7. S (VRL-00329) - V. Barracuda VH21-047-0017 8. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Hwiangerdd VH21-026-0098 9. S (VRL-00329) - Drama Drianna Ion VH23-047-0023 10. S (VRL-00329) - Ellemiete GA VH22-198-0010 11. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Glenwood Caramel Latte VH21-022-0013 12. S (VRL-00329) - Juriën GA VH22-198-0008 13. S (VRL-00329) - Ellamira Ion VH23-198-0001 14. S (VRL-00329) - Ardcourt Golden Scotch VH22-047-0003 15. S (VRL-00329) - Lo-Lo-Lovebird Ion VH23-047-0006 39. Roadster 1. S (VRL-00329) - Daleduff La-Di-Da VH22-047-0008 2. S (VRL-00329) - Lo-Lo-Lovebird Ion VH23-047-0006 3. S (VRL-00329) - Ellemiete GA VH22-198-0010 4. S (VRL-00329) - Ardcourt Golden Scotch VH22-047-0003 5. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Hwiangerdd VH21-026-0098 6. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Glenwood Caramel Latte VH21-022-0013 7. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - PP's Tamkje VH19-040-0003 8. S (VRL-00329) - V. Barracuda VH21-047-0017 9. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Llygedyn Hwdwch VH21-026-0015 10. S (VRL-00329) - Ingmere Tridecima VH22-047-0009 11. S (VRL-00329) - Ellamira Ion VH23-198-0001 12. S (VRL-00329) - Triple Queen Ion VH23-047-0024 13. S (VRL-00329) - Juriën GA VH22-198-0008 14. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Juwiel van Khim VH20-040-0148 15. S (VRL-00329) - Drama Drianna Ion VH23-047-0023